
Sown area of potatoes smaller than ever before

According to preliminary data of Statistics Estonia and the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB), the utilised agricultural area this year is 983,400 hectares, which is 4,400 hectares less than in 2023. There has been a slight decrease in arable land, as well as in the area of fruit and berry plantations. The sown area of potatoes, which has been in decline for a long time, continues the trend and is 8% smaller in 2024 than the year before.
Read more 9. July 2024

Turnover and investments of the business sector increased

According to the preliminary data of Statistics Estonia, in 2019, turnover increased in most economic activities. Trade, manufacturing and information and communication enterprises contributed the most to the turnover of the business sector. The growth in the sector’s turnover was negatively affected mainly by energy and mining.
Read more 27. February 2020

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