Healthy life years

Healthy life years (also called disability-free life expectancy) shows the average number of years an individual is expected to live free of disability if current patterns of mortality and disability continue to apply.

To calculate healthy life years, Statistics Estonia uses the internationally recommended Sullivan method, which is convenient as few data are needed. It requires the mean annual population for five-year periods by sex and age groups, the number of deaths and the share of people with good health in these age groups.

The indicator is calculated using survey information on the extent to which people were limited in their daily activities in the prior six months because of a health problem. Only the answers where the person said that he or she did not have any health-related limitations are taken into account.

Healthy life years at birth 58.0
Healthy life years at birth, males 56.4
Healthy life years at birth, females 59.5
Healthy life years at birth, Estonians 58.9
Healthy life years at birth, non-Estonians 56.3
Healthy life years at birth, residents of cities and towns 58.4
Healthy life years at birth, residents of rural settlement region 56.9
Healthy life years by age group | 2023
Healthy life years by educational level | 2023

Estonia will desynchronise from the Russian electricity grid on 8 February and join the continental European network on 9 February. It is very unlikely that residents will notice the transition to the European frequency area. Nevertheless, there may be issues with supply security in Estonia during the transition, which could impact data submission and publication at Statistics Estonia.