Short-term statistics

Statistics Estonia publishes short-term statistics on issues of importance to society.   

On this page, we have collected information on how various areas may be or may have been affected by the war in Ukraine and the emergency situation caused by the COVID-19 virus.

We are updating data on Ukrainian citizens in the Estonian labour market, and we continue to update short-term death statistics.

The results of the mobility analysis carried out during the COVID-19 emergency situation and the short-term statistics of labour market and enterprises will no longer be updated, but data can still be consulted.

If you have any questions, please contact Statistics Estonia’s customer support at stat [at] (stat[at]stat[dot]ee).

    Short-term statistics of enterprises


    Short-term labour market statistics


    Ukrainians in the labour market

Commissioned by the Ministry of Social affairs, Statistics Estonia analyses the employment situation of Ukrainian refugees under temporary protection and the Ukrainian citizens staying in the country on other grounds.

    Short-term labour market statistics (2019–2020)

Interactive charts give an overview of the labour market situation on the basis of employment register data.

    Short-term statistics of enterprises (2019–2020)

Interactive charts give an overview of the situation of enterprises on the basis of VAT returns. The statistics cover companies liable to VAT and self-employed persons who have submitted a VAT return.

    Short-term death statistics

The interactive chart shows the number of deaths by week since 2010.

On 23 December, the phone line of Statistics Estonia’s customer support is open until 13:00. The phone line is closed on 24, 25 and 26 December. Happy holidays!