Request statistics

Do you need official statistics on a specific topic? Are you looking for information about Statistics Estonia or its activities? Do you wish to get more detailed statistics or require an in-depth study? Or perhaps you would like to know what data Statistics Estonia holds about you?

Submit a query

You may also submit a query by phone, e-mail stat [at] or in a chat window.

Request for information

A request for information is a basis for obtaining information on published official statistics, Statistics Estonia and its activities. A request for information will be answered at first opportunity, but no later than within five working days. In the case of a request for explanation, we will respond at first opportunity within 15 days.

Contract work

Contract work allows to get more detailed information than available in the news releases, statistical publications or the statistical database. It requires additional processing or analysis of data. Detailed statistics can be ordered for any statistical domain.

It is possible to order surveys from Statistics Estonia, starting with data collection to in-depth analyses or special products. We also offer data visualisations based on existing or ordered data.

See the standard of service for contract work here

Use of confidential data for scientific purposes

Legal persons and organisations can use for research confidential data held by Statistics Estonia. The data can be used remotely in research environment.

 Read more about using confidential data.