Sustainable development

The statistics in the section of sustainable development provide an overview on how Estonia is moving towards the goals of the global sustainable development agenda.

At the UN summit in 2015, the global sustainable development goals were agreed on by adopting the resolution Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which includes 17 global sustainable development goals with 169 targets.

The Commission for Sustainable Development approved the relevant indicators for Estonia to monitor progress towards the goals. The topic of cultural space, which is not one of the global goals, was added as it was considered also important and relevant for Estonia.

Monitoring and comparing trends helps to analyse sustainability in Estonia. It is the basis for making decisions important for Estonia as well globally.

Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate 14.5 %
Healthy life years 58.0
Share of renewable energy in final energy consumption 38.5 %
Emissions of greenhouse gases from transport sector, thousand CO₂-equivalent tonnes 2,645 thousand CO₂-equivalent tonnes
Recycling rate of municipal waste 37.9 %
Share of people commuting by public transport, by bicycle or on foot 34.9 %

The Tree of Truth shows how Estonia is doing

Today, Statistics Estonia and the Government Office presented a new web application called the Tree of Truth. It is a gauge of important national indicators, giving a simple, honest and objective picture of how the country is doing.
Read more 17. October 2019