Work life
There were 9,071 job vacancies in the last quarter of 2024
According to Statistics Estonia, in the fourth quarter of 2024, there were 9,071 job vacancies in the enterprises, institutions and organisations of Estonia. This is 1.4% less than in the same quarter in 2023. In the fourth quarter of last year, 6,705 persons left their job at the initiative of the employer.
Average wages and salaries rose by 8.1% last year
According to Statistics Estonia, the average monthly gross wages and salaries in 2024 stood at €1,981, which is 8.1% higher than in 2023. In the fourth quarter of 2024, the average monthly gross wages and salaries were €2,062, which is 8.3% higher than in the same quarter of 2023.
The numbers of unemployed and employed persons both increased last year
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2024, the unemployment rate was 7.6%, the employment rate was 68.9%, and the labour force participation rate was 74.6%.
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