Projects supported from EU Structural Funds

Secure data interoperability

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 1,099,300 euros via the innovation fund for the project “Secure data interoperability between sectors”. The innovation fund is administered by the Government Office of Estonia, and its activities and projects are funded under the European Union Cohesion Policy 2021–2027 measure “Development of innovation capacities in the public sector”. 

The aim of the project is to create a framework for data interoperability between the private and public sectors. During the project, Statistics Estonia will analyse how to implement privacy enhancing technologies that would allow secure and much wider re-use of data between the private and public sectors.

The project began on 1 January 2025. Its planned duration is 24 months.

Creation of an application for transmission of administrative data

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 296,380.80 euros for project “Input gateway for administrative data” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3 “Development of offering public services”.  

During the project, a solution was developed for the standardised and automatic management of the submission, validation, monitoring and processing of administrative data. In the future, customers who submit administrative data under a contract will be able to access a special environment that gives an overview of each customer’s contractual obligations and their fulfilment and also allows users to submit data and contact the customer manager.

The project lasted from 14 May 2020 to 11 June 2021 and was carried out by OÜ Net Group.

Increasing knowledge about young persons and about the impact of activities targeted at them




Statistics Estonia participates as a partner of the Education and Youth Authority in the European Social Fund Project no 2014-2020. “Tõrjutusriskis noorte kaasamine ja noorte tööhõivevalmiduse parandamine“ (“Involving young persons at risk of exclusion and improving the employment readiness of young persons”). In this project, Statistics Estonia contributes to the area of activity “Teadmiste suurendamine noortest ja noortele suunatud tegevuste mõjust” (“Increasing knowledge about young persons and about the impact of activities targeted at them”).

During the project, Statistics Estonia will update the youth monitoring dashboard, support raising the level of data literacy among young persons and youth workers, compile an analysis of youth indicators and an overview of the study. The support amount granted to Statistics Estonia for years 2020–2023 is 75,000 euros.

Statistics Estonia’s project “Väljundkaardirakenduse analüüs” (“Output map application analysis”)

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 25,000 euros for project “Output map application analysis” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3 “Development of offering public services”.

The aim of the project was to carry out an analysis of the map application and come up with alternative solutions from which to choose the most suitable – a solution with a modern look, which could be customised to different devices, is user-friendly and quick. The developed application would allow Statistics Estonia to display collected data on maps.

The project outcome is an analysis document that describes possible solutions for developing Statistics Estonia’s map application. It identifies how to meet needs in the most optimum way (meeting business requirements, optimum resource use for the development of the application and its management in the future). The project outcome allows Statistics Estonia to decide which developments are necessary to offer the service with optimum resources.

The project lasted from 27 February 2020 to 30 May 2020 and was carried out by CGI Eesti OÜ.

Updating website platform

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 215,826 euros for project 2014-2020.12.03.18-0473 “Updating website platform” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3.1 “Smart development (including analysis) of existing and new information systems”.

In the course of the project, a website with a new structure, design and user logic was created for Statistics Estonia. The website will be transferred to version 8 of the state central platform Drupal.

The new website replaced the previous website at in August 2020.

Creation of personalised information channels

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 316,350 euros for project “Creation of personalised information channels” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3 “Development of offering public services”.

The aim of the project was to create personalised dashboards for Estonian ministries and other government agencies, professional associations and local governments, who could make more informed and quality management decisions based on data. Software was developed for personalised dashboards, where all key indicators from Statistics Estonia’s database are presented as graphs. The dashboards are available at

The project lasted from 19 October 2018 to 31 August 2019 and was carried out by Net Group OÜ.

Creation of a data capture engine and transfer of v5 services to v6

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 71,916 euros (total cost of the project) for project “Creation of a data capture engine and transfer of v5 services to v6” from the call for proposals “Executing analyses of the development of public services” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3.1 “Smart development (including analysis) of existing and new information systems”.

The aim of the project was to find a solution that the service provider does not need to develop separate services for data capture by Statistics Estonia. This speeds up the data acquisition process of Statistics Estonia and reduces costs. The implementation of the data capture service facilitates the organisation of the register-based population and housing census (REGREL) in 2020.

During the project, a data capture engine was built, which is a standard software component to capture data via X-Road using the pull-method (the data are captured using the X-Road service at the location of the data provider). By using the developed data capture engine, the existing 21 X-Road services were transferred to version 6.

The project lasted from 25 January 2019 to 25 March 2019 and was carried out by AS Helmes.

eSTAT usability analysis

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 41,987 euros (total cost of the project 49,985 euros) for project “eSTAT usability analysis” from the call for proposals “Executing analyses of the development of public services” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3.1 “Smart development (including analysis) of existing and new information systems”.

The aim of the project was to analyse opportunities to improve the usability of Statistics Estonia’s data submission channel eSTAT and prepare a simpler and more convenient prototype to be tested by users.

The project resulted in design plans, design files and a prototype.

The project lasted from 14 March 2017 to 30 September 2017. It was carried out by Velvet OÜ.

Harmonisation of data collection and data processing (Stage 1 Phase 1)

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 244,992 euros for project “Harmonisation of data collection and data processing (Stage 1 Phase 1)" from the call for proposals “Modernising services necessary for the production of register-based statistics” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3.1 “Smart development (including analysis) of existing and new information systems”.

The aim of the project was to reduce data collection and data processing costs and speed up data production, achieve greater flexibility and eliminate obsolete software.

As a result of the project

  • there is more possibility to combine collection methods of personal surveys, which allows savings in both time and transport costs in the future;
  • in data processing, the time needed to review problem data was reduced and the correction of errors became faster.

The project lasted from 19 September 2016 to 31 August 2017. The developer was Nortal AS.

Automation of statistical activity (Stage 1 Phase 1)

European Union European Regional Development Fund



Statistics Estonia received 303,665 euros for project “Automation of statistical activity (Stage 1 Phase 1)” from the call for proposals “Modernising services necessary for the production of register-based statistics” under the European Regional Development Fund measure 2014-2020.12.3.1 “Smart development (including analysis) of existing and new information systems”.

The aim of the project was to reduce the amount of technical manual work, duplication and time for data capture and to store data for reuse. The project is related to the creation of technical prerequisites for organising REGREL and for quick and efficient fulfilling of orders for statistical products.

As a result of the project

  • the possibility of receiving XML-format data in packaged form from databases and data providers was added;
  • manual work in describing data checks was reduced;
  • address data are collected more accurately in personal surveys, the need for post-processing of addresses is reduced, and the data are used in subsequent surveys;
  • a detailed analysis was prepared for further development of the statistical register system SRS to obtain and store data updates of the register of buildings and premises, and to update, store and reuse the data of economic units and agricultural households.

The project lasted from 31 August 2016 to 30 May 2017. The developer was Nortal AS.