Personal surveys
Leaving out the population and housing census mandatory for all, personal surveys are mostly voluntary. For social surveys, we collect data from individuals if the data cannot be obtained from databases.
Statistics Estonia conducts various surveys, for example, on the working life, travel and time use of the population. The surveys vary in frequency, some lasting a month or two, others for two years. Some surveys take place every year and some over several years.
Why is it important to participate in a survey?
A person included in a survey sample can provide information on how people in Estonia are doing, thus helping to improve life in Estonia. Random sampling is used to include people in personal surveys. The surveys may target different age groups. Everyone's answer is important, because it reflects the situation and opinions of people with similar characteristics in the society. Please take the time to answer survey questions. Personal survey data may be submitted online, by phone or in a face-to-face interview.
How to submit data?
We recommend that you submit data electronically, at a convenient time, in the data submission environment eSTAT. A telephone interview appointment can be set up with an interviewer or by notifying customer support. If the questions cannot be answered online or by phone, an interviewer will conduct a face-to-face interview. The statistics produced on the basis of the collected data are published in the statistical database.
See also the Official Statistics Act.
How can I be sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?
The surveys conducted by Statistics Estonia can be found in the 2025 survey schedule on our website. The survey description includes the section “How are the data collected?” with information about how respondents can answer the survey. Online questionnaires can be completed on Statistics Estonia’s website at Phone interviews and face-to-face interviews are conducted by specially trained interviewers. The names and phone numbers of Statistics Estonia’s interviewers can be checked on our website. In the case of a face-to-face interview, the respondent can always ask for the interviewer’s proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
Personal surveys in 2025
European Social Fund Participants Survey
Internet use and digital skills survey
Estonian Health Interview Survey
Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)
Previous personal surveys
Time Use Survey
Cultural Participation Survey
Household Budget Survey
Urban Audit
Adult Education Survey
Survey of Adult Skills (PIAAC)
Estonian Household Finance and Consumption Survey
European Social Survey
Survey on Satisfaction with Local Government Services and the Living Environment
Working Life Survey
Relationship survey "Safe relationships within family, at work, and outside work"
What kind of survey is it?
The Time Use Survey gives an overview of how people's time is divided between paid work, household chores, leisure, and other activities. It also looks at the differences in time use between women and men, the time taken to get from one place to another, modes of transport, and places to spend leisure time.
Who commissions the survey?The survey is commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of the Interior, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
Why are the data needed?Data collected with the Time Use Survey are used to assess people's quality of life and general well-being. Time allocation characterises participation in the labour market, consumption behaviour, leisure time as well as changes in household composition, well-being, and societal beliefs. From the survey data, conclusions can be drawn about intra-family, inter-generational and inter-household communication. Research on people's use of time also highlights unpaid work at home that is often overshadowed by paid work. Finding a balance between paid work and household chores, and the fair distribution of chores in the household, is one of the most studied areas of time use.
How often is the survey conducted?The Time Use Survey has been carried out every ten years since 1999. The most recent survey took place in 2019/2021.
How are the participants selected?The survey sample is person-based and drawn at random from the population register. The sampled person also includes his/her household in the survey: all household members aged ten or over are interviewed. The sample comprises nearly 7,500 households.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
In this survey, data are collected through a face-to-face interview.
Where are the results published?Statistics based on the Time Use Survey are published in the statistical database under the headings Social life > Time use; data for 2019/2021 are available in the dedicated section on time use.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The Cultural Participation Survey collects information on the cultural interests, consumption of culture, and hobbies of Estonian residents. The aim of the survey is to provide objective statistics for the setting of cultural policy objectives in various domains of culture.
Who commissions the survey?For the survey, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Culture.
Why are the data needed?The Cultural Participation Survey is the only major cultural survey in Estonia. The results of the survey reveal which fields of culture people are interested in, what their cultural hobbies are, and in which regions people are more culturally active. The results of the survey help the Ministry of Culture determine how many people are affected by cultural policy decisions and what the economic impact of these decisions might be. The data also show which cultural sectors need more support or should be more accessible.
How often is the survey conducted?The survey is conducted every three years. The most recent survey was carried out in 2020/2021.
How are the participants selected?The survey involves a sample of 10,000 inhabitants of Estonia. The survey population covers all Estonian residents aged 15 or over, excluding inhabitants of institutional households (children’s homes, care homes, cloisters, etc.). All estimates are calculated on the basis of the total population in the area concerned. The volumes of the total population and the subpopulations of persons are found on the basis of the population estimate calculated by Statistics Estonia.
The sample of the cultural participation survey is person-based. 10,000 permanent residents of Estonia aged 15 or over, selected by random sampling, are surveyed. The sampling of persons is carried out by geographically stratified systematic sampling procedure, i.e. independent subsamples are drawn separately from the non-overlapping subpopulations called strata.
Approximately 1% of the population is surveyed and the results are extended to the whole population. Each person in the survey represents about one hundred inhabitants of Estonia.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
In this survey, data are collected through
- an online questionnaire
- a phone interview (for best service, the call is recorded)
Where are the results published?Data from the cultural participation survey are published in the statistical database under the heading Social life. The data are also available in the dedicated section on culture.
How are the participants thanked for their contribution?Each quarter, two €50 COOP gift vouchers are raffled among all respondents. The winners are announced in October 2023 and January 2024. Statistics Estonia will contact the winners.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?This survey can be completed online at The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The Household Budget Survey identifies the expenditure and budget of Estonian households and provides information on the demographic and social characteristics of household members, household composition, living conditions, and the availability of durable goods.
Who commissions the survey?For the survey, the main representatives of public interest are the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the Ministry of Finance. Data are also forwarded to the European Commission and Eurostat.
Why are the data needed?The Household Budget Survey is the only way to find out exactly where Estonian households spend their money. Data are collected through a household expenditure diary and questionnaires.
The survey analyses budgets and expenditure by household size and demographic and social characteristics, taking into account family relationships, employment, and education levels. The data are also used to calculate the consumer price index, GDP, and the subsistence minimum.
How often is the survey conducted?The survey has been carried out in 1996–2007, 2010–2012, 2015–2016, and 2019–2020. Further surveys will be conducted every five years from 2026.
How are the participants selected?Participants are randomly selected from the Statistical Population Register from among all permanent residents of Estonia aged 15 or over, excluding those residing in institutional households (prisons, children’s homes, care homes) on a long-term basis (one year or longer). The Statistical Population Register combines data from both the population register and the Population and Housing Census (2011). The sampled person also includes his/her household in the survey. The sampling of persons is carried out by disproportionate stratified sampling procedure. In this method, the survey population is divided into non-overlapping subpopulations called strata, and independent subsamples are drawn separately from every subpopulation, applying different inclusion probabilities.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
In this survey, data are collected through a face-to-face interview.
Where are the results published?The results of the survey are published in the statistical database under the heading Social life. The data are also available in the dedicated section on households. Information on the quality and metadata of the survey are available in the ESMS metadata section. When new information is published, a news item is released.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
Urban Audit is a joint effort by the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional Policy (DG-REGIO), Eurostat, and European countries to collect and disseminate reliable and comparable data on the quality of life in European cities.
Who commissions the survey?The survey is commissioned by Eurostat.
Why are the data needed?Data are collected on key statistical domains such as population (sex-age composition, citizenship, births and deaths), social life (household structure and living conditions, housing, labour market, education, culture and leisure), economy (business, tourism), and environment. The collected data allow for comparison between European cities, and the ultimate aim of the project is to contribute to improving the quality of urban life, to support the exchange of experience between European cities, and to identify best practices.
How often is the survey conducted?Data for the Urban Audit are collected during biennial data collection rounds.
How are the participants selected?Cities with a population of more than 50,000 are included in the survey. In Estonia, these are Tallinn, Tartu, and Narva. Data are also collected for the functional urban area (FUA), which consists of a city and its commuting zone. The functional urban areas in Estonia are Harju county (FUA of Tallinn) and Tartu county (FUA of Tartu city). Ida-Viru county is not considered as the commuting zone of Narva, and therefore FUA data are not collected there.
How are the data collected?Data of Statistics Estonia are mainly utilised, but data from other national agencies and the cities involved are also used. Depending on the data collection round, surveys and interviews may be carried out.
Where are the results published?The Urban Audit data are published in the Eurostat database.
The methodology of the Urban Audit is described here.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee.)
What kind of survey is it?
The Adult Education Survey is a pan-European personal survey that takes an in-depth look at the state of lifelong learning (formal education, non-formal education and training, and informal learning).
Who commissions the survey?The survey is coordinated by Eurostat. The main representatives of public interest for the survey in Estonia are the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, and the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Why are the data needed?The results of the survey allow us to understand, at national and European level, how many and what kind of learning opportunities people take up, what motivates or discourages people from learning, and whether some groups in society need more attention regarding lifelong learning.
How often is the survey conducted?The survey was carried out in 2007, 2011, 2016, and 2022. Further surveys are planned to be conducted every six years (in 2028, etc.).
How are the participants selected?The 2022 survey covered 6,800 people drawn at random from the Statistical Population Register from among all permanent residents of Estonia aged 18–69. The sampled persons are interviewed regardless of whether or not they have participated in formal education or training.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
In this survey, data are collected through
- an online questionnaire
- a phone interview (for best service, the call is recorded)
Where are the results published?The results are published in the databases of Statistics Estonia and Eurostat in the year following the survey.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The Survey of Adult Skills (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies – PIAAC) provides information on the skills and work experience of adults. It is the most comprehensive adult skills survey ever conducted. The survey covers mainly OECD countries.
Who commissions the survey?In Estonia, the survey is conducted by the Ministry of Education and Research in cooperation with Statistics Estonia. The survey is commissioned by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Why are the data needed?The Survey of Adult Skills collects information on skills needed for individuals to participate in society and for economies to prosper: literacy, searching for information, and computer and information technology skills. Information on education and work experience is also collected. The data gathered are used to compare the level of skills, education and training opportunities of the population across countries, as well as the competitiveness of countries in the knowledge economy. It helps to understand how Estonian adults are doing compared with their peers in other countries.
The data can be used to draw conclusions about the skills development of adults and to examine the links between key cognitive skills and variables, such as educational background, work experience, training, and the home environment. The results of the survey are taken into account in decision-making on education, training, and working life. For instance, the data from previous studies have been used in the development of the Information Society Development Plan and the Lifelong Learning Strategy, as well as in the improvement of curricula and professional standards in vocational schools.How often is the survey conducted?The survey is administered every 10 years. The first Survey of Adult Skills was conducted in 2010–2012. The next one will be carried out in 2021–2023 in two cycles: the first, smaller cycle, in 2021, and the second, larger cycle, in 2022–2023.
How are the participants selected?The survey is targeted at all Estonian residents aged 16–65. Participants are drawn at random from the Statistical Population Register. 3,200 people are invited to participate in the first cycle of the survey and 13,000 in the second cycle.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
In this survey, data are collected through a face-to-face interview.
Where are the results published?The results of the survey are published on the websites of the Ministry of Education and Research and the OECD.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The Estonian Household Finance and Consumption Survey assesses the real and financial assets and debt levels of Estonian households, as well as their income, savings, and consumption behaviour.
Who commissions the survey?The survey is conducted in cooperation with the Bank of Estonia (Eesti Pank). The same kind of surveys are carried out in all euro area countries, organised by national central banks and coordinated by the European Central Bank. Collecting similar data across the entire euro area allows comparisons of results between countries.
The results of the survey can be used to analyse the impact of rising debt on the economy, which will help in formulating monetary policy to prevent possible future economic crises.
How often is the survey conducted?The Household Finance and Consumption Survey has been conducted in Estonia in 2013, 2017, 2021 and 2024.
How are the participants selected?The survey population includes all households residing permanently in Estonia, excluding inhabitants of institutional households (children’s homes, care homes, cloisters, etc.). The survey is conducted as a panel survey, i.e. households responding to the previous wave of the survey are contacted. A household participates in the survey a maximum of four times, after which it is dropped from the survey along with all of its split-off households. In each wave, new participants are also included in the survey, selected systematically from the population register from among persons aged 14 years and over. Each person brings their household to the sample. The household questionnaire is answered by the person who is most familiar with the household's finances, the personal questionnaire by all members of the household aged 16 or over. The results are extended to the whole population.
How are the data collected?Statistics Estonia carries out the Estonian Household Finance and Consumption Survey according to a set procedure. Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
In this survey, data are collected through
- an online questionnaire
- a phone interview (for best service, the call is recorded)
The data collected are used in a generalised way, no individual data are considered. Statistics Estonia ensures the protection of all respondents' data in accordance with the Official Statistics Act and the Personal Data Protection Act. Those interested can find out more about these legal acts in Estonia’s official online publication, Riigi Teataja (State Gazette). Participation in the survey is voluntary and in completing it, people are expected to show a sense of civic duty: the state must help its citizens and the citizens must help the state.
Where are the results published?The results of the survey are published in an aggregated form on the websites of the Bank of Estonia and the European Central Bank.
How are the participants thanked for their contribution?Households that participate in the survey are rewarded with a €15 gift voucher.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?The surveys conducted by Statistics Estonia can be found in the 2024 survey schedule on our website. Online questionnaires can be completed on Statistics Estonia’s website at Phone interviews are conducted by specially trained interviewers. The names and phone numbers of Statistics Estonia’s interviewers can be checked on our website. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The European Social Survey (ESS) identifies the social structure of European countries and people’s living conditions, and analyses the attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour of people in relation to the development of institutions.
Who commissions the survey?The survey is funded by the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the University of Tartu.
Why are the data needed?The aim of the European Social Survey is to bring together high-quality data to study the development of societies and people's behaviour. It is an international social science survey, the results of which are used in many fields. Data have been collected since 2002. To date, the data of nearly 500,000 people from 35 countries have been pooled. In order to compare the data between countries, strict rules are to be followed when conducting the survey.
How often is the survey conducted?The survey is carried out every two years. Statistics Estonia last conducted the survey in 2022.
How are the participants selected?The survey sample is drawn at random from the population register. The name and address of the person interviewed is known only to the interviewer and interviewers supervisor. The data collected are used in an aggregated form, no individual data are examined. Statistics Estonia ensures the protection of all respondents' data in accordance with the Official Statistics Act and the Personal Data Protection Act.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
Data are collected through a face-to-face interview.
Where are the results published?The results of the European Social Survey are available on the website of the University of Tartu Institute of Social Sciences (only in Estonian).
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The aim of the survey is to determine how satisfied residents are with their living environment and the quality of services provided by their municipality. The survey asks for an assessment of mobility, sports and cultural leisure facilities, living environment, public maintenance, provision of general services, and local governance. The municipality of the respondent's primary residence is assessed. Information about the person's place of residence and household is also asked.
Who commissions the survey?The survey is conducted in cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and Statistics Estonia.
Why are the data needed?Drawing on the results of the survey, local authorities and the state can improve their services and boost local life. The data collected provide feedback on the work done by local authorities.
How often is the survey conducted?The results of the first survey were published in 2020. The next surveys will be carried out in 2024 and 2026. The frequency of the survey depends on the order.
How are the participants selected?The sample of the survey is person-based and drawn at random from the population register. Statistics Estonia ensures the protection of all respondents' data in accordance with the Official Statistics Act and the Personal Data Protection Act. The data collected are only used in an aggregated form.
How are the data collected?This survey can be completed online.
Where are the results published?The results of the survey are published in the statistical database under the heading Multidomain statistics and on the regional statistics dashboard under Satisfaction with the living environment.
The aggregated results of the survey by municipality are available on the Ministry of Finance's website. It gives an overview of the organisation of and satisfaction with services provided by municipalities. The website helps local authorities develop their regions and gives residents a better overview of local public services.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The Working Life Survey provides an overview of work and working time organisation, occupational health, remunerations, employee development and involvement, and collective employment relations in Estonia. Both employers and employees are surveyed to get a comprehensive picture of working life and employment relations in Estonia, to assess the influencing factors, and to compare changes over time.
Who commissions the survey?For the survey, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Why are the data needed?The data from the Working Life Survey provide valuable information on working life. The data can be used to identify bottlenecks of working life and plan how to address them. The data are used for labour market policy analysis and research.
The survey covers employers, i.e. managers or representatives of enterprises and institutions, and employees. It is necessary to survey both parties, as responses may differ. For example, employees may not know how many of their company's employees are on permanent contracts. The employer, on the other hand, may not know whether or not an employee belongs to a trade union. Employers' and employees' expectations and evaluations of the company's working life and employment relations may also differ.
How often is the survey conducted?The survey is conducted every six years.
How are the participants selected?Participants – enterprises and institutions – are randomly selected from Statistics Estonia’s business register for statistical purposes. Respondents to the employee survey are also randomly selected from the among the employees of the surveyed enterprises. The number of employees selected to respond from an enterprise depends on the number of employees working in that enterprise.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
In this survey, data are collected through
- an online questionnaire
- a face-to-face interview
Where are the results published?Working life statistics are published in the statistical database under the heading Social life. The results of the survey are used in a wide range of analyses (in Estonian).
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?This survey can be completed online at The interview is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
What kind of survey is it?
The relationship survey reveals how Estonia's inhabitants rate the quality of their relationships at home, at work, and elsewhere. The knowledge generated by the survey allows an assessment of the quality and safety of human relationships, and the state can use this information to help people in the best possible way. The survey also shows how far the Estonian society is in the development of human rights and social policy and how we compare with other countries. The survey is conducted in all EU countries on the basis of a reliable and comparable methodology.
Who commissions the survey?For the survey, the main representatives of public interest are the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Social Affairs. The results are also forwarded to the European Commission and Eurostat.
Why are the data needed?The insights gained from the survey help assess how far the Estonian society is in the development of human rights and social policy and how we compare with other countries. The results identify the main vulnerable groups, the risk and protective factors of abuse, and the possible trajectories leading to victimisation. In addition, we examine how well informed people in Estonia are about how to find help and what the bottlenecks are.
How often is the survey conducted?The survey is carried out for the first time in Estonia. The survey is planned to be repeated in the future, but the exact frequency will depend on the need and is to be agreed in the European cooperation networks.
How are the participants selected?The survey population includes all permanent residents of Estonia, excluding inhabitants of institutional households (children’s homes, care homes, cloisters, etc.). Participants are randomly selected from the population register from among people aged 18–74 years. In order to be able to extend the results to the whole population, around 16,700 people are surveyed.
Statistics Estonia ensures the protection of all respondents' data in accordance with the Official Statistics Act and the Personal Data Protection Act. The collected data are only used in a highly aggregated form. If you have been selected to participate in the survey, please do so – your answers are important because truthful and reliable information is the best basis for the government to make decisions that affect us all.
How are the data collected?Before the survey starts, a notification is sent to all the people in the sample, explaining the purpose of the survey and how they will be contacted. The notification is sent to the sampled person at the email address indicated in the population register. If no email address is available, a letter is sent by post to the address in the population register.
Data are collected through an online questionnaire and a face-to-face interview.
Where are the results published?Data from the relationship survey are published in the statistical Statistical database under the heading Social life Justice and security in the first half of 2023.
How can I make sure that it is a survey by Statistics Estonia?The survey can be completed online at However, if you prefer a face-to-face survey, it is conducted by a specially trained interviewer. The names of Statistics Estonia's interviewers can be checked here. An individual who has been included in a survey can ask for the interviewer's proof of employment. If you have any questions, please contact our customer support by phone at +372 625 9300 or by e-mail at klienditugi [at] (klienditugi[at]stat[dot]ee).
Where to find information on abuse?
Don't be alone in your worries! If you feel that abuse may be happening in any of your relationships, check out these links for useful information (in Estonian and Russian only):