Work life quality

The culture and meaning of work have changed significantly over time. In addition to earning an income to cover basic needs, people expect self-growth and self-realisation opportunities from their jobs.

Work life quality at the society level means healthy and skilled jobs for as many people as possible in order to ensure high employment and productivity. Employers hope to find people with suitable skills from the labour market. Employees wish to work secure, safe and interesting jobs, which are also flexible enough to allow contributing to the society outside the job and enjoying fulfilling family lives.

Statistics Estonia publishes the following information on the quality of work life:

  • working time;
  • satisfaction with work (for both employees and employers);
  • gender equality;
  • work organisation;
  • occupational health;
  • labour market gaps.

Statistics on work life quality show how work life and its quality have changed over time in Estonia and where support from the state is needed. The statistics give an overview on which types of contracts people work under, what are their working time arrangements, what study and development opportunities employers provide, how are equal treatment of employees and workplace safety ensured, and how all of these match people’s expectations.

Males' and females' employment gap 3.3 %
Males' employment rate 70.6 %
Females' employment rate 67.3 %
Males' and females' unemployment gap -0.7 %
Males' unemployment rate 4.1 %
Females' unemployment rate 4.8 %

More and more men receiving parental benefit

According to Statistics Estonia, 27,989 women and 3,920 men received parental benefit in Estonia in 2019. The average monthly parental benefit paid to men was a third higher than that paid to women.
Read more 29. June 2020