
Industry is the largest sector of the economy and an important driver of economic growth. Industrial enterprises create many jobs and provide opportunities for other types of business as well.

Industry is a sector of the economy which covers

  • mining and processing natural resources;
  • energy production and manufacture of equipment, machinery and products;
  • processing of agricultural products;
  • processing of manufactured products.

Statistics Estonia collects and publishes economic indicators for three industrial activities – mining, energy production and manufacturing. The mining industry involves mining, quarrying and processing minerals. The energy industry covers the production and supply of electricity, heat and natural gas. In manufacturing, materials, substances and components are made into new finished or semi-finished products, which can be used in further production processes.

The volume and value indices of industrial production show changes in volumes and prices of industrial production over time by economic activities. The indices help to assess the situation of industry in Estonia. More than a half of Estonia’s industrial production is exported. We publish export indices of industrial production (as a total and separately for euro area and non-euro area) and indices for the sales of industrial production on the domestic market.

Statistics Estonia publishes the following data for industrial enterprises:

  • turnover;
  • costs;
  • profits;
  • assets;
  • liabilities;
  • equity;
  • investments;
  • volume of industrial production.

The most important objective of industry statistics is to describe the economic cycle of industry and measure change in the value added of production, which can be used in assessing GDP change. Analyses of industry data allow forecasting crucial changes in the economy, assessing the market situation helps to increase competitiveness of the sector and business efficiency.

Volume index of industrial production, 2021 = 100 84.3
Volume index change of industrial production compared to same period in previous year,% -2.5
Industrial turnover index, 2021 = 100 103.0
Value index change of industrial turnover compared to same period in previous year, % 2.6
Volume index change of industrial production compared to previous period, % -6.0
Industrial production at current prices | 2019–2023
Industrial sales total and industrial sales to non-residents | 2019–2023
Turnover of manufacturing, annual | 2019 – 2023
Unit: thousand euros
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Manufacturing 13,786,579 13,326,795 16,057,913 19,016,723 17,662,295
Manufacture of food products 1,855,927 1,882,500 2,037,563 2,519,851 2,689,473
Manufacture of beverages 258,573 254,478 276,952 318,804 350,866
Manufacture of textiles 349,475 353,200 366,159 360,649 344,177
Manufacture of wearing apparel 197,057 175,621 184,634 220,179 217,365
Manufacture of leather and related products 35,532 31,642 28,095 33,728 36,199
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 2,443,599 2,548,535 3,731,901 4,269,164 3,401,494
Manufacture of paper and paper products 248,230 222,515 281,204 352,812 257,624
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 244,432 216,080 221,260 259,042 256,385
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 304,509 245,677 .. 420,791 384,185
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 521,089 514,036 601,338 730,359 548,979
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 41,783 57,308 55,453 62,798 72,376
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 483,419 480,997 586,245 654,750 596,628
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 638,983 569,821 685,985 825,369 742,107
Manufacture of basic metals 87,274 84,357 109,767 139,416 121,354
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 1,448,256 1,358,312 1,725,365 2,113,954 1,869,798
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 1,227,640 1,193,715 1,200,792 1,566,957 1,498,244
Manufacture of electrical equipment 760,185 780,054 884,576 1,022,322 1,062,223
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 568,269 485,281 573,248 718,619 683,623
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 448,086 411,197 556,005 645,424 671,755
Manufacture of other transport equipment 106,407 125,833 128,061 157,789 157,465
Manufacture of furniture 627,023 598,464 706,304 711,327 640,409

Number of enterprises | 2014 – 2023
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Manufacturing 6,611 7,053 7,259 7,507 7,470 7,787 7,981 9,060 9,435 9,622
Manufacture of food products 476 552 597 640 642 663 689 816 887 902
Manufacture of beverages 48 62 86 97 109 98 126 125 136 141
Manufacture of textiles 234 267 277 307 304 304 303 347 361 368
Manufacture of wearing apparel 499 529 524 534 515 527 504 657 693 714
Manufacture of leather and related products 70 70 82 82 74 70 72 82 82 78
Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials 1,084 1,102 1,086 1,097 1,053 1,110 1,146 1,271 1,302 1,301
Manufacture of paper and paper products 59 61 61 62 63 64 63 66 58 64
Printing and reproduction of recorded media 361 386 378 387 363 371 366 380 381 388
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products 5 5 6 4 4 6 6 4 5 5
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products 97 111 110 126 127 122 119 133 153 160
Manufacture of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceutical preparations 12 14 15 14 12 13 14 14 14 18
Manufacture of rubber and plastic products 194 213 223 210 202 210 209 218 217 216
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 227 255 252 262 259 257 262 315 320 313
Manufacture of basic metals 28 29 27 21 19 21 17 19 18 20
Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment 1,202 1,223 1,280 1,320 1,335 1,414 1,444 1,563 1,653 1,640
Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products 116 114 116 118 115 124 134 130 131 146
Manufacture of electrical equipment 120 131 130 136 139 145 137 144 156 159
Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. 147 175 184 184 197 195 200 227 225 233
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 58 68 68 69 72 75 76 83 88 90
Manufacture of other transport equipment 71 81 89 88 85 94 112 125 128 133
Manufacture of furniture 641 704 719 735 742 799 809 923 957 952


Volume of industrial production decreased by 4% in 2024

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2024, the total production of industrial enterprises decreased by 4% at constant prices compared with the year before. Among the three industrial sectors, output decreased by 4.4% in manufacturing, remained the same in electricity production and increased by 2.9% in mining.

Read more 6. February 2025