Personal Questionnaire

Main questions about the person

  • Given name and surname, personal identification code
  • Sex
  • Date of birth
  • Place of usual residence (address)
    • Do you stay at another place of residence for some time of the week or year?
    • How long is your annual stay at the secondary place of residence?
    • Where is your secondary place of residence located?
  • What is your legal marital status?
  • Have you given birth to children?
    • How many children have you given birth to?

Questions about origin, language skills and religion

  • What is your country of birth?
    • Please indicate your place of birth in Estonia. Place of birth is your mother’s place of usual residence at the time of your birth (not the location of the hospital).
  • In which country were your parents born?
  • Were your grandparents born in Estonia?
  • What is your country of citizenship?
  • What is your ethnicity?
  • What is your mother tongue?
  • Do you speak some local language form, dialect or sub-dialect?
    • Please name the local language form, dialect or sub-dialect you speak best.
  • Do you speak other languages besides the mother tongue?
    • Please name the other languages besides the mother tongue that you speak, according to the level of language proficiency.
  • Do you have any religious affiliation? (answering is voluntary)
    • Please indicate your religious affiliation (answering is voluntary).

Questions about the changes of place of usual residence

  • Have you been living at the current place of residence continuously since birth?
    • Please indicate the year when you last settled in your current place of residence.
    • In which country was your previous place of residence?
    • Please indicate your previous place of residence in Estonia.
  • Have you ever lived outside the Republic of Estonia for 12 or more consecutive months?
    • When did you last arrive to settle in Estonia? Please indicate the year.
    • What was your most recent country of residence before settling in Estonia?
  • What was your country of usual residence on 31 March 2000 (at the time of the previous population and housing census)?
    • Please indicate your place of usual residence in 2000.

Questions about education and work

  • What was the level of education you acquired in general education school (upper secondary school, basic school, etc.)?
  • What is your level of vocational, occupational or professional education? (Additional guiding questions to specify the level of education are available.)
  • What was your main source of subsistence in 2011? (Type of source of subsistence, for instance, wage, pension etc.)
  • Did you perform at least one hour of remunerated work during the week preceding the Census (19–25 December 2011)?
  • Were you temporarily absent from your place of employment or enterprise during this week (19–25 December 2011) due to leave, illness, etc.?
  • Have you been actively seeking work during December 2011?
  • If you had been offered a suitable job during 19–25 December 2011, would it have been possible for you to commence work within two weeks?
  • Have you been employed before?
  • Please indicate the year, when you were last employed.
  • Which of the following groups did you belong to during the period 19–25 December 2011? (conscript; student (pupil); retired etc.)
  • Please state the full name of your main place of work.
    • What is the main branch of economic activity of that company/institution?
    • What was your occupation at the main place of work? Please give a brief description of your official duties.
    • How many employees are directly subordinated to you?
  • Are (were) you at your main place of work… (employee with a stable contract, whose employment relationship lasts for at least one year; employee with a stable contract, whose employment relationship lasts for less than one year; entrepreneur-employer, farmer with salaried employees; self-employed; farmer without employees; freelancer, other).
  • Where is the location of your main place of work?

Questions about health

  • Do you have any long-term illness or health problem? (Yes; no)
  • What restrictions have health problems placed on your everyday activities over a longer period (for at least the last six months)? (Significant restrictions; insignificant restrictions; no restrictions at all).


On 23 December, the phone line of Statistics Estonia’s customer support is open until 13:00. The phone line is closed on 24, 25 and 26 December. Happy holidays!