
Why does Statistics Estonia ask my enterprise to provide data?

Statistics Estonia collects data about economic and social indicators to give a detailed overview of economic trends and life in Estonia. This year, Statistics Estonia will carry out over one hundred surveys involving more than 26,000 enterprises in total. Is there no other way to get these data?
Read more 12. June 2024

Organic farming area and number of organic livestock decreased last year

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2023, the organic farming area in Estonia was 225,300 hectares, representing 22.8% of total utilised agricultural area. 92% of the organic farming area was fully converted and the rest was under conversion. Compared with 2022, the organic farming area decreased by 2.5%, and 78 organic producers ceased activities.
Read more 21. May 2024

The happiest people in the Baltics live in Estonia

The results of the Estonian Social Survey show that Estonian people are happier than Latvians and Lithuanians but not nearly as happy as the residents of Finland and Sweden. How happy are people in Estonia compared with other European countries? Here is an overview by Anet Müürsoo, Head of Population and Social Statistics Department at Statistics Estonia.
Read more 15. May 2024

Today and 20 years ago. Which EU countries' citizens live in Estonia?

While at the beginning of the new century it was mainly the inhabitants of Estonia who eagerly moved elsewhere in Europe, today more and more citizens of other European Union countries are settling in Estonia. Kristjan Erik Loik, leading analyst at Statistics Estonia, takes a look at who has arrived here in the last 20 years.
Read more 15. May 2024

Albert Pullerits prize awarded to Tuuli Jürgenson

This year’s recipient of the Albert Pullerits young statistician’s prize awarded by Statistics Estonia is Tuuli Jürgenson for her Master’s thesis “Combining Retrospective and Prospective Data for Genome-wide Association Studies”.
Read more 5. October 2021

Statistics Estonia is conducting the most extensive relationship survey in Estonia

Today, Statistics Estonia is launching the largest and most comprehensive relationship survey in Estonia so far, titled “Safe relationships within family, at work and outside work”. The purpose of the survey is to get an overview of well-being and safety in relationships. An invitation to participate in the survey is sent by post to over 16,000 people.
Read more 4. October 2021

Population and Housing Census will tell how sick Estonian people think they are

In the Population and Housing Census, which starts at the end of the year, among else, people will be able to give an assessment of their health. Health questions in the same wording were also included in the census ten years ago, which is why the results will provide an overview of Estonian people’s health and how it has changed in a decade.
Read more 29. September 2021

Identifying permanent residence in the Population and Housing Census

The places where people live have been recorded in one way or another for centuries. Previously, the place of registration could have been a church, municipality government, city address board, housing board or the Population Register. In recent decades, developed countries have found that register data are usually more accurate than survey data, and so population censuses have also begun to use them. Back in 2011, eight European Union countries conducted the census on a register basis: in addition to the Nordic countries, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Slovenia.
Read more 29. September 2021

The Population and Housing Census will show the number of inhabitants with two mother tongues and two nationalities

Researchers and officials have a special interest to find out through the census how many people living in Estonia have two nationalities and speak two mother tongues. Although information on nationality and mother tongue is also available in the population register, it is the first time that it is possible to choose two options in the census questionnaire.
Read more 29. September 2021

At the beginning of the year, Latvia conducted a register-based census

Latvia conducted a census based entirely on register data on the first day of this year, and it can be considered as a complete success. In addition to various databases, a large amount of information from private companies was used to specify and compare information, for example, on housing. The first most important result of the census: last year, Latvia had the lowest population growth in a hundred years.
Read more 29. September 2021