
Sown area of potatoes smaller than ever before

According to preliminary data of Statistics Estonia and the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB), the utilised agricultural area this year is 983,400 hectares, which is 4,400 hectares less than in 2023. There has been a slight decrease in arable land, as well as in the area of fruit and berry plantations. The sown area of potatoes, which has been in decline for a long time, continues the trend and is 8% smaller in 2024 than the year before.
Read more 9. July 2024

Producer price index of industrial output down by 1.5% from last year

According to Statistics Estonia, the producer price index of industrial output, which expresses changes in the producer prices of industrial goods manufactured in Estonia for the domestic market and for export, rose by 2.0% in January 2024 compared with December 2023 and fell by 1.5% compared with January last year.
Read more 29. February 2024

Construction volume fell by 6% last year

According to the preliminary data of Statistics Estonia, in 2023, the total production value of Estonian construction enterprises in Estonia and abroad decreased by 6% at constant prices compared with 2022. Considering only the domestic market, the fall in construction volume was 7%.
Read more 23. February 2024

Foreign trade decreased significantly in 2023

According to Statistics Estonia, exports of goods in 2023 decreased by 16% and imports by 17% compared with the year before. Exports of goods amounted to 18 billion and imports to 21 billion euros at current prices. The trade deficit was 3 million euros, which is 695 million euros lower than in 2022.
Read more 9. February 2024

Foreign tourists have found their way back to Estonia

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2023, Estonian accommodation establishments served over 3.43 million tourists, which is 5% more than in 2022. The number of foreign tourists increased last year, while the number of domestic tourists decreased.
Read more 8. February 2024

Due to maintenance, Statistics Estonia’s and census websites will be temporarily unavailable on 2 September between 15:00 and 16:00. We apologize for the inconvenience.