
The happiest people in the Baltics live in Estonia

The results of the Estonian Social Survey show that Estonian people are happier than Latvians and Lithuanians but not nearly as happy as the residents of Finland and Sweden. How happy are people in Estonia compared with other European countries? Here is an overview by Anet Müürsoo, Head of Population and Social Statistics Department at Statistics Estonia.
Read more 15. May 2024

Today and 20 years ago. Which EU countries' citizens live in Estonia?

While at the beginning of the new century it was mainly the inhabitants of Estonia who eagerly moved elsewhere in Europe, today more and more citizens of other European Union countries are settling in Estonia. Kristjan Erik Loik, leading analyst at Statistics Estonia, takes a look at who has arrived here in the last 20 years.
Read more 15. May 2024

Last year the carriage of passengers and goods declined

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2016, the number of passengers served by Estonian transport enterprises decreased by 3% and the freight volume in tonnes decreased by 1% compared to the previous year. The number of passengers increased in sea and rail transport, but decreased in road and air transport. Carriage of goods increased in road transport, but decreased in rail transport.
Read more 8. May 2017

Immigration exceeded emigration for the second year in a row

According to the revised data of Statistics Estonia, 1,315,635 persons lived in Estonia on 1 January 2017, which is 309 persons less than at the same time a year earlier. The population figure decreased by 1,339 persons due to negative natural increase, but increased by 1,030 persons as a result of positive net migration.
Read more 4. May 2017

The gender pay gap decreased for the third year in a row

According to Statistics Estonia, in October 2016, the average gross hourly earnings of female employees were 20.9% lower than the average gross hourly earnings of male employees. The gender pay gap decreased by 1.3 percentage points compared to the previous year. The gender pay gap decreased by 1.3 percentage points for the third year in a row.
Read more 28. April 2017

Construction price index is up again

According to Statistics Estonia, the change of the construction price index in the 1st quarter of 2017 was 0.4% compared to the 4th quarter of 2016, and 0.7% compared to the 1st quarter of 2016.
Read more 20. April 2017

In February, the exports of goods of Estonian origin grew

According to Statistics Estonia, in February 2017, the exports of goods increased by 6% and imports by 1% compared February 2016. In February, the exports of goods of Estonian origin grew 9%, while re-exports stayed at the same level as one year ago.
Read more 10. April 2017