
Gender pay gap is slowly narrowing

According to Statistics Estonia, in 2019, the gross hourly earnings of female employees were 17.1% lower than the gross hourly earnings of male employees. The gender pay gap decreased by 0.9 percentage points year on year.
Read more 22. July 2020

Teams representing Estonia at the European Statistics Competition announced

Based on the results of the public choice competition, in the younger age group, Estonia will be represented at the European Statistics Competition by team Fresiito from Tallinn Secondary School of Science and team Mamika from Lüganuse School. In the older age group, due to the withdrawal of one of the teams, team Numbritaat from Viljandi Gymnasium and team Merkintä from Narva Pähklimäe Gymnasium moved directly to the European phase of the competition.
Read more 14. July 2020

In May, exports of goods declined by 25%

According to Statistics Estonia, in May 2020, compared to May 2019, the exports of goods decreased by 25% and imports by 24%. Compared to April 2020, exports decreased by 2% and imports remained at the same level.
Read more 10. July 2020

Consumer price index on the rise again

According to Statistics Estonia, the change of the consumer price index in June 2020 was 0.9% compared to May 2020 and –1% compared to June of the previous year. Compared to June 2019, goods were 0.8% and services 1.2% cheaper.
Read more 7. July 2020

Industrial production fell for the second month

According to Statistics Estonia, in May 2020, the production of industrial enterprises decreased by 18% compared to May 2019. Production decreased in all three industrial activities: manufacturing, energy production and mining.
Read more 30. June 2020

More and more men receiving parental benefit

According to Statistics Estonia, 27,989 women and 3,920 men received parental benefit in Estonia in 2019. The average monthly parental benefit paid to men was a third higher than that paid to women.
Read more 29. June 2020