
Young workers are turning away from the information and communication sector

Statistics Estonia's short-term labour market statistics show that over the past year and a half, there have been fewer young people aged 20–29 working in both the broader information and communication sector and the more specific field of computer programming. While in previous years the field of computer programming was growing mainly because of young people, in the past year their numbers have fallen.
Read more 17. July 2024

Sown area of potatoes smaller than ever before

According to preliminary data of Statistics Estonia and the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB), the utilised agricultural area this year is 983,400 hectares, which is 4,400 hectares less than in 2023. There has been a slight decrease in arable land, as well as in the area of fruit and berry plantations. The sown area of potatoes, which has been in decline for a long time, continues the trend and is 8% smaller in 2024 than the year before.
Read more 9. July 2024

The volume of industrial production decreased by 2%

According to Statistics Estonia, in September, the production of industrial enterprises decreased by 2% compared to September 2019. In the three main industrial sectors, the fall in production was 2% in manufacturing, 5% in energy production and 8% in mining.
Read more 30. October 2020

162 films were produced in Estonia, while the number of films screened was 428

According to Statistics Estonia, 30 full-length films were produced in Estonia last year, including 15 documentaries, 13 feature films and two animations. The number of short films (less than 60 minutes in length) produced last year was 132, including 62 documentaries, 44 feature films and 26 animations. Cinema attendance totalled nearly 3.7 million.
Read more 23. October 2020

Information from state registers as well as a questionnaire will be used for the population census

Today, a team from Statistics Estonia met with the census committee of the Estonian Government to present the questionnaire of the Population and Housing Census 2021 and discuss the current state of the project. The exact census methodology will be decided once the allocation of additional funds from the government reserves for 2021 and from the 2022 state budget has been confirmed.
Read more 20. October 2020

Statistics Estonia celebrates World Statistics Day

This year, the theme of World Statistics Day, celebrated on 20 October 2020, is “Connecting the world with data we can trust”. Statistics Estonia invites everyone interested in data to a virtual statistics day event.
Read more 13. October 2020

Albert Pullerits prize awarded to Diana Sokurova

This year, the young statistician’s prize named after Albert Pullerits was awarded to Diana Sokurova. Her master’s thesis, defended at the University of Tartu, is titled “Reducing the Reporting Burden on Health Professionals by Rolling and Two Occasions Designs”.
Read more 9. October 2020