
Sown area of potatoes smaller than ever before

According to preliminary data of Statistics Estonia and the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB), the utilised agricultural area this year is 983,400 hectares, which is 4,400 hectares less than in 2023. There has been a slight decrease in arable land, as well as in the area of fruit and berry plantations. The sown area of potatoes, which has been in decline for a long time, continues the trend and is 8% smaller in 2024 than the year before.
Read more 9. July 2024

Construction volume fell in the third quarter

According to Statistics Estonia, in the third quarter of 2022, the total production value of Estonian construction enterprises in Estonia and abroad decreased by 3% year on year at constant prices. Considering only the domestic market, the construction volume fell by 4%.
Read more 25. November 2022

Producer prices of food products continued to rise in October

The producer price index of industrial output, which expresses changes in the producer prices of industrial goods manufactured in Estonia for the domestic market and for export, rose by 0.1% in October compared with September 2022 and by 23.5% compared with October 2021.
Read more 21. November 2022

Population census. More people speak dialects than in the previous census

It is estimated that 17% of the native Estonian-speaking population speak a dialect. This is 2 percentage points more than in the previous census. The share of dialect speakers has increased the most in Hiiu and Saare counties, but it has not decreased in any county. 10% of dialect speakers speak more than one dialect.
Read more 16. November 2022

In September, the share of trade with European Union countries increased

According to Statistics Estonia, in September 2022, Estonia’s exports of goods increased by 14% and imports by 19% at current prices compared with September 2021. In the third quarter, exports were up by 16% and imports by 22%. Trade was mainly boosted by the increased exports and imports of mineral products as well as by rising prices in general.
Read more 9. November 2022