
Sown area of potatoes smaller than ever before

According to preliminary data of Statistics Estonia and the Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB), the utilised agricultural area this year is 983,400 hectares, which is 4,400 hectares less than in 2023. There has been a slight decrease in arable land, as well as in the area of fruit and berry plantations. The sown area of potatoes, which has been in decline for a long time, continues the trend and is 8% smaller in 2024 than the year before.
Read more 9. July 2024

In the third quarter, exports of services reached the highest level of recent years

According to Statistics Estonia and Eesti Pank, in the third quarter of 2022, Estonia’s exports of services grew by 32% and imports by 33% year on year. Estonia’s exports of services totalled 2.8 billion euros and imports of services 2.2 billion euros. The balance of foreign trade in services was in surplus by 568 million euros, which is 129 million euros more than in the same quarter last year.
Read more 12. December 2022

Trade deficit increased in October

According to Statistics Estonia, in October 2022, Estonia’s exports of goods increased by 11% and imports by 15% at current prices compared with October 2021.
Read more 9. December 2022

Industrial production continued to fall in October

According to Statistics Estonia, in October, the total production of industrial enterprises decreased by 5.8% at constant prices compared with October 2021. Output fell in all three sectors – by 4.4% in electricity production, by 6.1% in manufacturing, and by 0.4% in mining.
Read more 1. December 2022