
The happiest people in the Baltics live in Estonia

The results of the Estonian Social Survey show that Estonian people are happier than Latvians and Lithuanians but not nearly as happy as the residents of Finland and Sweden. How happy are people in Estonia compared with other European countries? Here is an overview by Anet Müürsoo, Head of Population and Social Statistics Department at Statistics Estonia.
Read more 15. May 2024

Today and 20 years ago. Which EU countries' citizens live in Estonia?

While at the beginning of the new century it was mainly the inhabitants of Estonia who eagerly moved elsewhere in Europe, today more and more citizens of other European Union countries are settling in Estonia. Kristjan Erik Loik, leading analyst at Statistics Estonia, takes a look at who has arrived here in the last 20 years.
Read more 15. May 2024

In September, the turnover growth of retail trade enterprises accelerated

According to Statistics Estonia, in September 2018, compared to September of the previous year, the turnover of retail trade enterprises increased by 3% at constant prices. While in August, the turnover increased by 2% compared to the same month of the previous year, the growth accelerated slightly in September.
Read more 30. October 2018

President Kersti Kaljulaid visited Statistics Estonia

Today, President Kersti Kaljulaid visited Statistics Estonia to learn about the opportunities to use big data and experimental statistics to produce official statistics and improve the physical and social environment of Estonian people.
Read more 17. October 2018

This year, the European Social Survey focuses on age discrimination and family formation topics

October marked the beginning of the European Social Survey 2018, organised by the University of Tartu and Statistics Estonia. The survey is conducted in 30 European countries and focuses on such topics as age discrimination, family formation and having children. In Estonia, the survey covers 2,000 persons, who are going to be visited by Statistics Estonia’s interviewers.
Read more 15. October 2018

In August, the imports of goods increased the most

According to Statistics Estonia, in August 2018, the exports of goods increased by 7% and imports by 11% compared to August 2017. The growth in trade was affected the most by an increase in trade in mineral products (fuel additives, motor spirit) and raw materials and products of chemical industry (fertilizers).
Read more 10. October 2018

In August, more tourists stayed in accommodation establishments than a year ago

According to Statistics Estonia, in August 2018, domestic and foreign tourists who stayed in accommodation establishments numbered 448,000, which is 3% more than in August 2017. Compared to August of the previous year, the number of domestic tourists increased and the number of foreign tourists stayed at the level of the previous year.
Read more 5. October 2018