
Stable turnover growth in retail trade continued also in August

According to Statistics Estonia, in August 2017, compared to August of the previous year, the turnover of retail trade enterprises increased 1% at constant prices. Similarly to July, turnover showed a stable one-percent growth also in August compared to the same month of the previous year.
Read more 29. September 2017

Harvesting is halfway to completion

According to Statistics Estonia, by 15 September, 57% of the sown area of cereals, 47% of the sown area of rape and turnip rape, and 49% of the area under potatoes had been harvested in Estonia.
Read more 27. September 2017

In July, imports increased more than exports

According to Statistics Estonia, in July 2017, the exports of goods increased by 6% and imports by 9% compared to July 2016. Increased imports of base metals and articles of base metal and transport equipment contributed to the growth in imports.
Read more 11. September 2017