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Then and now: People in Estonia are getting married at later and later ages
Kuupäev 03.09.2024
In 1993, the share of under-30s among all people getting married was between 60% and 70%, whereas in 2023, only 24% of the newly married men and 34% of women were under 30 years old, according to data from Statistics Estonia.
Water is a natural resource without which there would be no life on earth. Clean groundwater is produced over a long period of time and therefore needs to be used sustainably. Human activity affects both the cleanliness and availability of fresh water. Water quality may, for example, be affected by chemical residues from sewage treatment plants and arable land. In the course of production and other activities, pollution of water bodies, surface water and groundwater must be avoided so that clean water remains available. Water statistics show how much water is consumed in Estonia; how many
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The focus of the global goal “Life Below Water” is the protection of the ecosystems of seas and oceans and sustainable use of marine resources. Marine acidification caused by climate change and pollution of the world seas and oceans as well as overfishing have a major impact on marine ecosystems. The 2030 Agenda includes the target to reduce marine pollution of all kinds (first target date 2025) and ensure sustainable management, protection and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems (first target date 2020). A separate target is providing access for small-scale artisanal fishers to