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The wedding season has begun! What do the latest marriage statistics reveal?
Kuupäev 18.06.2024
Newly published data from Statistics Estonia show that 41% of all marriages of Estonian residents took place during the summer months. The most popular day for tying the knot was Friday the 7th of July. What other fascinating facts emerge from the 2023 marriage statistics?
ESMS metadata
Estonian people value family. Marriage is traditionally associated with living together and having and raising children. In addition to traditional registered marriages, there are nowadays more and more forms of family, such as cohabitation, single-parent family and blended family. The statistics on marriages and divorces provide information, such as: how many people get married in Estonia; how many men and women remarry; how many couples divorce; how old are women and men when they get married for the first time. Families where the parents are married tend to last longer and have more
Then and now: People in Estonia are getting married at later and later ages
Kuupäev 03.09.2024
In 1993, the share of under-30s among all people getting married was between 60% and 70%, whereas in 2023, only 24% of the newly married men and 34% of women were under 30 years old, according to data from Statistics Estonia.
Passengers transported as much as last year, the carriage of goods increased
Kuupäev 08.03.2019
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2018, Estonian transport enterprises served as many passengers as in 2017, whereas freight volume in tonnes increased by 2%.