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The focus of the global goal “Life on Land” is sustainable use and efficient protection of terrestrial ecosystems and the species living there. Protected and conserved ecosystems and biodiversity help to reduce human pressure on the environment and mitigate natural disasters. Ecosystems that are healthy and have integrity maintain resilience to the impacts of climate change and benefit the populations depending on these ecosystems. The 2030 Agenda emphasises the need to implement first the prior global agreements (Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol, etc.). It is important
Biodiversity (biological diversity) is a common good, which needs to be carefully preserved. The protection and sustainable use of ecosystems and species contribute to reducing environmental pressure and natural disasters. Healthy and coherent ecosystems also mitigate the effects of global warming. One of the global sustainable development goals is to reduce the degradation of natural habitats and halt the loss of biodiversity. Statistics Estonia publishes the following information on biodiversity, its protection and land use: ecosystem extent; nature protection and relevant expenditures; land
Tallinn as the statistics capital of Europe for three days: new technologies and evolving user needs mean significant changes in the role of NSIs
Kuupäev 28.10.2024
The theme of this year’s conference was “Charting New Frontiers of Official Statistics”. The directors of 40 statistical institutes in Europe discussed why and how national statistical institutes (NSIs) could go beyond the traditional function of producing official statistics, by providing additional data services and serving as data stewards in the national data ecosystem. The conference focused on the drivers of such changes in NSIs’ roles. Urmet Lee, Director General of Statistics Estonia, said that the rapid, occasionally chaotic evolution of the data ecosystem means that national
The focus of the global goal “Life Below Water” is the protection of the ecosystems of seas and oceans and sustainable use of marine resources. Marine acidification caused by climate change and pollution of the world seas and oceans as well as overfishing have a major impact on marine ecosystems. The 2030 Agenda includes the target to reduce marine pollution of all kinds (first target date 2025) and ensure sustainable management, protection and restoration of marine and coastal ecosystems (first target date 2020). A separate target is providing access for small-scale artisanal fishers to
Climate change is considered to be one of the greatest challenges facing mankind. It is believed to be caused by greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Climate change can be mitigated by ecosystems, such as forests, water bodies and bogs that absorb carbon dioxide emitted into the air. Climate statistics provide an overview of greenhouse gas emissions in Estonia. The data help us see what precisely causes greenhouse gas emissions. Climate statistics provide information on greenhouse gas emissions per GDP and per capita; greenhouse gas emissions from the energy sector; emissions of
Fishing has been an important source of livelihood for people living in coastal Estonia. European sprat and Baltic herring have always been a part of the Estonian diet. Rainbow trout from fish farms has shown up more recently. Fish caught in Estonian waters and processed here reaches also the tables of people living in other countries. Fishing and aquaculture statistics provide the following information: which fish and from which water bodies are caught the most; what is the state of spawning stock; how are Estonian fish farmers doing; how many people are employed in aquaculture and fishing