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Housing focuses on our daily living environment, including housing costs, energy consumption and indoor climate. Housing is the responsibility of municipalities. Consideration is given to whether housing is accessible to all; dwellings satisfy modern energy and safety requirements. Housing statistics reflect the number of dwellings and the change over time. Housing statistics serve as the basis for housing policy-making.
Decline of real estate market slowed down
Kuupäev 12.11.2009
According to Statistics Estonia, in the 3rd quarter of 2009, 6,350 purchase-sale transactions of real estate were carried out. Compared to the same quarter of the previous year, the decrease in the number of transactions slowed down.
The real estate market continuously in decline
Kuupäev 12.08.2009
According to Statistics Estonia, in the 2nd quarter of 2009, 6,500 purchase-sale transactions of real estate were carried out. Compared to the 2nd quarter 2008 the number of purchase-sale transactions decreased by one third, and compared to the previous quarter increased by one fifth.
The total number of real estate transactions increased last year
Kuupäev 12.02.2013
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2012, 36,176 purchase-sale transactions of real estate in the total value of 1.7 billion euros were notarised. In 2012, the number of transactions increased by 12% compared to 2011 and the total value of transactions increased by 13%.
The total number of real estate transactions increased last year
Kuupäev 12.02.2014
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2013, 41,650 purchase-sale transactions of real estate in the total value of 2.0 billion euros were notarised. In 2013, the number of transactions increased by 15% compared to 2012 and the total value of transactions increased by 18%.
The real estate market livened up last year
Kuupäev 11.02.2011
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2010, 30,979 purchase-sale transactions of real estate in the total value of 1.2 billion euros (18.8 billion kroons) were notarised. Compared to the previous year, both the total number as well as total value of purchase-sale transactions increased. However, the average value of a purchase-sale transaction remained lower.
The total number of transactions of real estate market increased last year
Kuupäev 13.02.2012
According to Statistics Estonia, in 2011, 32,486 purchase-sale transactions of real estate in the total value of 1.5 billion euros were notarised. During the last two years the number of transactions of real estate market has increased. Compared to 2006, the boom year, the number of transactions with registered immovable and the number of dwellings in purchase-sale has decreased by a half.
The real estate market was still in decline at the beginning of the year
Kuupäev 12.05.2009
According to Statistics Estonia, in the 1st quarter of 2009, 5,400 purchase-sale transactions of real estate with the total value of 4.7 billion kroons were carried out. Since 1997, when Statistics Estonia started to observe the real estate market, the number of contracts per quarter has never fallen below 6,000.