Average wages and salaries were €1,959 in Q3
Kuupäev 25.11.2024
“Looking at the wage change trend, wage growth is still slower now than in 2023,” said Sigrid Saagpakk, analyst at Statistics Estonia. Average monthly gross wages and salaries and their change, 1st quarter 2023 – 3rd quarter 2024 Year Quarter Average monthly gross wages and salaries, euros Change on previous year, % 2023 I 1,741 13.3 II 1,872 12.4 III 1,812 10.4 IV 1,904 9.7 2024 I 1,894 8.8 II 2,007 7.2 III 1,959 8.1 Average wages in seven groups of economic activities are higher than the national average Saagpakk stated that the average monthly gross wages and salaries in the third quarter