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Population census. More people speak dialects than in the previous census
Kuupäev 16.11.2022
It is estimated that 17% of the native Estonian-speaking population speak a dialect. This is 2 percentage points more than in the previous census. The share of dialect speakers has increased the most in Hiiu and Saare counties, but it has not decreased in any county. 10% of dialect speakers speak more than one dialect.
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About the Statistical Council According to the Official Statistics Act, the Statistical Council is formed by an order of the Estonian Government. The duties of the Statistical Council are to advise the producers of official statistics, Statistic Estonia and Eesti Pank (central Bank of Estonia), and the Ministry of Finance. The objective of the activities of the Statistical Council is to contribute to fulfilling the purpose of official statistics through giving advice and delivering opinions. The Statistical Council is concerned with the production of official statistics, on the one hand, and
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Population census: the share of people of foreign origin who consider themselves ethnic Estonians has grown
Kuupäev 04.10.2022
Data from the register-based population and housing census of 2021 reveal that 72.5% of Estonia’s population is made up of native people, i.e. persons with at least one parent and grandparent born in Estonia. At the time of the previous census, the share of the native populace was 75.3%, which means that the proportion of natives in the population has decreased by 2.8 percentage points, while the share of the foreign-origin population who consider themselves ethnic Estonians has increased.
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