Breadcrumb Home Data publication: D22071 Statistical database update 17. September 2020 Social life - Households - Information technology in household All data for the period, 2020 IC20: Households having internet connection at home by type of household IC32: Computer and internet users aged 16-74 by group of individuals IC35: Users of internet commerce aged 16-74 by group of individuals IC36: Users of internet commerce aged 16-74 by place of residence of the purcha… IC38: Internet users aged 16-74 by place of residence and purpose of using the … IC42: Computer and internet users aged 16-74 by group of individuals and freque… IC43: Individuals aged 16-74 buying/ordering over the internet by group of indi… IC46: Knowledge of internet cookies and their limitation in browser among 16–74… IC431: Users of internet commerce aged 16-74 by group of individuals, frequenc… IC621: Persons using the internet with portable devices away from home and work…