In July, more tourists stayed in accommodation establishments than a year ago

Posted on 6 September 2018, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in July 2018, domestic and foreign tourists who stayed in accommodation establishments numbered 503,000, which is 1% more than in July 2017. The number of domestic tourists increased and the number of foreign tourists decreased.

305,000 foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, i.e. 2% fewer than in July 2017. More than half of foreign tourists (56%) came from neighbouring countries Latvia, Finland and Russia. More tourists from Latvia and Russia stayed in accommodation establishments than in July last year, while the number of Finnish tourists fell for the sixth month in a row, compared to the same month of the previous year. More tourists arrived from Lithuania, Poland, Germany and the United Kingdom. Among Asian countries, the number of tourists arriving from China increased the most – by a quarter more than a year ago in the same month. 60% of foreign tourists preferred to stay in the accommodation establishments of Tallinn, 12% stayed in Pärnu city and 7% in Tartu city. 3% of foreign tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Ida-Viru county. 76% of foreign tourists were on a holiday trip and 18% on a business trip.

198,000 domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, i.e. 7% more than in July 2017. 71% of domestic tourists were on a holiday trip and 14% on a business trip. 19% of the accommodated domestic tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Harju county, 15% in Pärnu county, 11% in Ida-Viru county and 9% in both Saare and Tartu counties.

In July, 1,393 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 24,000 rooms and 58,000 bed places were available for tourists. 60% of the rooms and 53% of the bed places were occupied. The average cost of a guest night was 40 euros, i.e. two euros more than in July 2017. The average cost of a guest night was 50 euros in Harju county, 41 euros in Pärnu county, 38 euros in Saare county, 35 euros in Tartu county and 33 euros in Ida-Viru county.

Accommodation by region, July 2018
Accommodation Total Northern Estonia North-Eastern Estonia Central Estonia Western Estonia Southern Estonia
Accommodation establishments 1,393 246 67 136 540 404
Rooms 24,105 8,967 1,554 1,777 6,578 5,229
Bed places 57,500 19,840 3,626 4,610 16,525 12,899
Room occupancy rate, % 60 77 59 35 55 45
Bed place occupancy rate, % 53 68 52 30 50 41
Tourists accommodated 502,931 231,005 32,827 26,059 127,186 85 854
Nights spent 936,269 417,643 58,886 42,978 254,039 162,723
residents of Estonia 353,393 68,068 37,866 28,814 112,536 106,109
foreign visitors 582,876 349,575 21,020 14,164 141,503 56,614
Average cost of a guest night, euros 40 50 33 27 38 27

The statistics are based on the questionnaire “Accommodation”, the submission deadline of which was 10 August 2018. Statistics Estonia published the monthly summary in 17 working days. For the statistical activity “Accommodation”, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, commissioned by whom Statistics Estonia collects and analyses the data necessary for conducting the statistical activity.