In September, the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 6 November 2017, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, 281,400 tourists used the services of accommodation establishments in September 2017, i.e. 10% more than in September 2016. The number of both foreign and domestic tourists increased.

In September, 182,500 foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, i.e. 8% more than in September 2016. 75% of foreign tourists arrived from the EU countries, 8% from Russia and 6% from Asian countries. Compared to September of the previous year, the number of tourists from the EU countries increased by 7%, from Russia by 15% and from Asian countries by 21%. 128,100 foreign tourists, i.e. 70% of the foreign tourists who used accommodation services, stayed in the accommodation establishments of Tallinn. The next most popular destinations were Pärnu and Tartu cities, where respectively 8% and 7% of the accommodated foreign tourists stayed. Ida-Viru county accounted for 4% of the foreign tourists who used accommodation services. Most (65%) foreign tourists were on a holiday and 26% on a business trip and the rest had some other reason for visiting Estonia.

35% of the customers of accommodation establishments were domestic tourists. 98,900 domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, i.e. 12% more than in September 2016. 59% of domestic tourists were on a holiday trip and 28% were on a business trip. 29% of the accommodated domestic tourists stayed in Harju county, 13% in Tartu county, 12% in Pärnu county and 11% in Ida-Viru county.

In September, 1,163 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 21,800 rooms and 51,200 beds were available for tourists. 45% of the rooms and 34% of the beds were occupied. The average cost of a guest night was 41 euros, i.e. 4 euros more than in September 2016. The average cost of a guest night was 51 euros in Harju county, 35 euros in Tartu county and 30 euros in both Ida-Viru and Pärnu counties.

Accommodation by region, September 2017
Accommodation Total Northern Estonia North-Eastern Estonia Central Estonia Western Estonia Southern Estonia
Accommodation establishments 1,163 226 63 123 384 367
Rooms 21,758 8,638 1,367 1,720 5,384 4,649
Beds 51,208 18,743 3,213 4,501 13,256 11,495
Room occupancy rate, % 45 65 42 20 35 31
Bed occupancy rate, % 34 51 33 17 26 22
Tourists accommodated 281,389 160,642 18,070 12,861 47,679 42,137
Nights spent 517,513 286,938 31,412 22,646 101,712 74,805
residents of Estonia 166,369 46,875 17,219 16,477 41,134 44,664
foreign visitors 351,144 240,063 14,193 6,169 60,578 30,141
Average cost of a guest night, euros 41 51 30 27 30 31

The statistics are based on the questionnaire “Accommodation”, the submission deadline of which was 10 October 2017. Statistics Estonia published the monthly summary in 18 working days. For the statistical activity “Accommodation”, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, commissioned by whom Statistics Estonia collects and analyses the data necessary for conducting the statistical activity.