In April the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 10 June 2016, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, 226,000 domestic and foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments in April 2016, which was 8% more than in April 2015. The number of both domestic and foreign tourists increased.

140,000 foreign tourists and 86,000 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments; the figures increased 6% and 13%, respectively, compared to April of the previous year. Two thirds of foreign tourists using the services of accommodation establishments came from neighbouring countries Finland, Latvia and Russia. Compared to April of the previous year, 4% more tourists from these countries stayed in accommodation establishments. There was also an increase in the number of tourists arriving from several European countries. 22% more tourists arrived from Asian countries. A quarter of the foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments located outside of Tallinn, of which 30% stayed in accommodation establishments of Pärnu and 19% in those of Tartu city. 4% of the foreign tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Ida-Viru county.

38% of the clients of accommodation establishments were domestic tourists. Of these, 56% were on a holiday trip and 27% on a business trip. 32% of the domestic tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Harju county, 15% in Pärnu county and 11% in Ida-Viru and Tartu county. In most counties, the number of domestic tourists staying in accommodation establishments increased compared to April 2015.

In April, 920 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 18,000 rooms and 41,000 beds were available for tourists. 44% of the rooms and 34% of the beds were occupied. The average cost of a guest night was 34 euros or as much as a year earlier in April. The average cost of a guest night was 39 euros in Harju county, 35 euros in Tartu county and 28 euros in Pärnu county.

Accommodation by region, April 2016
Accommodation Total Northern Estonia North-Eastern Estonia Central Estonia Western Estonia Southern Estonia
Accommodation establishments 920 184 59 104 268 305
Rooms 18,312 7,832 1,199 1,420 4,159 3,702
Beds 41,183 16,814 2,593 3,511 9,339 8,926
Room occupancy rate, % 44 58 40 21 38 29
Bed occupancy rate, % 34 47 34 17 31 20
Tourists accommodated 226,369 135,223 15,142 9,780 36,322 29,902
Nights spent 424,579 238,307 26,705 17,598 87,238 54,731
residents of Estonia 144,171 44,309 15,520 12,428 36,874 35,040
foreign visitors 280,408 193,998 11,185 5,170 50,364 19,691
Average cost of a guest night, euros 34 39 29 29 28 31

The statistics are based on the questionnaire “Accommodation”, the deadline of which was 10 May 2016. Statistics Estonia published the monthly summary in 22 working days.