In August, the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 9 October 2015, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, 394,000 tourists used the services of accommodation establishments in August 2015, which was 4% more than in August 2014. The number of both foreign and domestic tourists increased.

240,000 foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, which was 1% more than in August 2014. Most foreign tourists arrived from Finland (39%), Germany (10%), Russia (8%), Latvia (7%) and Asian countries (4%). Compared to August of the previous year, 4% more tourists from Finland and 5% more tourists from Latvia stayed in accommodation establishments. The number of tourists arriving from Asian countries has increased in every month of 2015. However, compared to August 2014, the number of tourists arriving from Germany and Russia has decreased by 4% and 23%, respectively. 67% of the foreign tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Harju county, 11% in Pärnu county, 7% in Tartu county and 5% in Saare county.

39% of the clients of accommodation establishments were domestic tourists. In August 2015, 153,000 domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments, which was 9% more than in August 2014. 68% of the domestic tourists were on a holiday trip and 19% were on a business trip. 23% of the domestic tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Harju county, 15% in Pärnu county and 8% in both Saare county and Ida-Viru county. Compared to August 2014, the number of domestic tourists staying in the accommodation establishments of Harju, Ida-Viru and Saare counties increased (26%, 16% and 10%, respectively), while the relevant indicator for Pärnu county decreased 1%.

In August, 1,299 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 23,000 rooms and 54,000 beds were available for tourists. 53% of the rooms and 43% of the beds were occupied. The average cost of a guest night was 33 euros and remained at the previous year's level. The average cost of a guest night was higher than the Estonian average in Harju and Pärnu counties where it cost 40 euros and 35 euros, respectively. The average cost of a guest night was 29 euros in Saare county and 25 euros in Ida-Viru county.
Accommodation by region, August 2015
Accommodation Total Northern Estonia North-Eastern Estonia Central Estonia Western Estonia Southern Estonia
Accommodation establishments 1 299 214 68 121 498 398
Rooms 22 659 8 330 1 562 1 554 6 412 4 801
Beds 53 941 18 095 3 985 3 883 15 947 12 031
Room occupancy rate, % 53 73 35 37 46 38
Bed occupancy rate, % 43 61 30 32 38 31
Tourists accommodated 393 539 196 613 18 465 21 548 93 665 63 248
Nights spent 723 258 342 271 37 053 38 954 188 474 116 506
residents of Estonia 266 880 56 878 23 404 28 695 84 116 73 787
foreign visitors 456 378 285 393 13 649 10 259 104 358 42 719
Average cost of a guest night, euros 33 40 25 24 31 24

The statistics are based on the questionnaire “Accommodation”, the deadline of which was 10 September 2015. Statistics Estonia published the monthly summary in 20 working days.