Household Budget Survey to begin in March

Posted on 9 March 2015, 10:00
Today, on 9 March, Statistics Estonia launches the Household Budget Survey of 2015, which collects data from households on their everyday expenditure and consumption. The previous survey was conducted in 2012.

“In addition to reliable information on household expenditure and consumption, the survey also provides information on the composition of households, the family relations, employment and education of the household members, living conditions and the availability of durable goods,” said the conductor of the survey, Karl Viilmann, Leading Statistician at Statistics Estonia.

“Besides Statistics Estonia, the survey data is used by ministries and research institutions because the results enable them to analyse the consumption expenditure of households and observe expenditure trends over the years,” Viilmann explained. “The providers and consumers of products and services will receive information about what households spend more on and what is consumed the most over a year,” he added.

The survey lasts until March 2016. Over the year, the interviewers of Statistics Estonia visit approximately 8,000 households. All households that are in the sample receive a corresponding notice from Statistics Estonia beforehand. The interviewers carry an employment certificate, issued by Statistics Estonia and bearing their photograph. “We hope that all households that receive a notice of being selected as respondents will decide to participate”, Viilmann noted. “The behaviour pattern of each household is different and if a household included in the survey decides not to respond, it cannot be replaced with another one and a valuable part of the entire picture of Estonia will be lost,” he added.

The Household Budget Survey consist of interviews conducted by an interviewer from Statistics Estonia with the head of the household and all family members aged 15 and older, and a household expenditure diary, which is filled in with details on the two-week expenditures of the household. For the first time, there is the option of filling in the diary online.

The interviews will be held to collect data on the level of education, working life and subsistence of the household members. The main purpose of the interview is to get information on household income and major expenditures, and also about agricultural products that are produced for the household’s own consumption.

The household expenditure diary is used to gather information on the household’s everyday expenditure. Details to be entered into the diary include all expenditures of every household member: food products, consumables, clothing and footwear, dining out, all payments and services bought. How to fill in the diary will be explained by the interviewer. In the online environment, the expenditure diary will be available for filling in from 30 March.

Statistics Estonia ensures data protection for all the respondents of the Household Budget Survey. “The collected data will be processed and used only for general purposes, personal information will not be associated in any way with the survey respondent in the published results, Viilmann explained.

Statistics Estonia shall publish the results of the survey in 2016. Additional information on the survey is available on Statistics Estonia’s website.