In November, the number of foreign and domestic tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 10 January 2014, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, 131,700 foreign tourists and 77,800 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments in November 2013. The total number of tourists increased 7% compared to November 2012.

In November 2013, compared to November 2012, the number of foreign tourists who used the services of accommodation establishments increased by 8%. 76% of foreign tourists arrived from the neighbouring countries Finland, Russia and Latvia. The number of tourists from Russia increased 22% compared to November 2012, the number of tourists from both Finland and Latvia increased 11%. Foreign tourists preferred to stay in the accommodation establishments of larger cities of Estonia. In November, 77% of foreign tourists who used the services of accommodation establishments stayed in the accommodation establishments of Tallinn, 5% in the accommodation establishments Pärnu and Tartu each. More than two-thirds of foreign tourists arrived in Estonia for holidays and a quarter were on a business trip.

In November 2013, 6% more domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments than in November 2012. More than a half of domestic tourists were on a holiday trip and one-third on a business trip. The most preferred destination was Tallinn: one- fifth of domestic tourists using the services of accommodation establishments stayed there. 13% of domestic tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Pärnu and 11% in those of Tartu. Compared to November 2012, the preferred destinations have not changed for domestic tourists.

In November, 853 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 18,100 rooms and 40,600 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 41% and the bed occupancy rate was 32%. In Tallinn, Tartu and Pärnu the room occupancy rate and the bed occupancy rate were higher than the Estonian average.

The average cost of a guest night was 32 euros, which is a euro more than in November 2012. The average cost of a guest night was 39 euros in Tallinn, 25 euros in Pärnu and 28 euros in Tartu.

Accommodation by region, November 2013
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 853 173 55 87 233 305
Rooms 18 141 7 930 1 087 1 188 4 053 3 883
Beds 40 635 16 626 2 258 2 848 9 214 9 689
Room occupancy rate, % 41 55 54 24 30 24
Bed occupancy rate, % 32 44 46 20 26 18
Tourists accommodated 209 497 126 617 14 083 10 417 29 915 28 465
Nights spent 389 935 218 417 30 857 17 224 72 324 51 113
residents of Estonia 132 781 36 117 16 641 12 540 32 364 35 119
foreign visitors 257 154 182 300 14 216 4 684 39 960 15 994
Average cost of a guest night, euros 32 38 27 30 24 25