Estonian statistics now available on smart devices

Posted on 27 November 2013, 10:00

The "Estonian Statistics" application for smart devices keeps users up to date about recent statistical releases and provides an overview of the most important indicators for Estonia.

Starting this week, users of Android and iOS devices can download the free app "Estonian Statistics" from Google Play or App Store. "Our goal is to provide those interested with convenient and fast access to statistical data about Estonia," said Ms Anu Ots, Communications Manager of Statistics Estonia. "We hope that the availability of official statistics via smart devices increases the number of people who want and use statistics," she added.

"Estonian Statistics" presents the most important data about Estonia. Users can find information about the population, wages, prices, business, construction, real estate, agriculture, trade, labour market, tourism, environment, the census and so on. The statistical information is displayed as figures, thematic maps or tables. Statistical news gives information about the release and availability of up-to-date data.

"We want users to give us feedback through Google Play or App Store regarding the app’s usability. We also want to know whether we should add any other statistical indicators," said Ots.

Download the app from App Store or Google Play.

App picture 1App picture 2 App picture 3