In August, the monthly change of the consumer price index was influenced the most by the price increase of motor fuel

Posted on 7 September 2012, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, the change of the consumer price index was 0.5% in August 2012 compared to July and 3.8% compared to August of the previous year.

Goods were 3.2 and services 5.0% more expensive compared to August 2011.

Regulated prices of goods and services have risen by 7.9% and non-regulated prices by 2.4% compared to August of the previous year.

Although, compared to preceding months, the impact of housing expenditures on the change of the consumer price index has decreased, then in comparison with the same month of the previous year the index was still mainly influenced by them and gave over a third of the total increase. Of which in turn a half gave 14.5% more expensive heat energy. Food gave over a quarter of the total increase, of which 6.7% more expensive meat and meat products and 28% more expensive vegetables together accounted for two thirds compared to August of the previous year. Motor fuel was 9.9% more expensive and gave over a seventh of the total increase. Compared to August of the previous year, of food products, the prices of eggs have increased the most (36%) and the prices of potatoes have decreased the most (30%).

Compared to July, the consumer price index was mainly influenced by the 5.2% price increase of motor fuel, price increase of electricity supply network services and heat energy and also closing seasonal sales of clothing and footwear. The prices of onions increased the most (43%) and the prices of grapes decreased the most (36%).

Change of the consumer price index by commodity groups, August 2012
Commodity group August 2011 –
August 2012, %
July 2012 –
August 2012, %
TOTAL 3.8 0.5
Food and non-alcoholic beverages 4.2 -0.5
Alcoholic beverages and tobacco 4.3 -1.1
Clothing and footwear 4.4 3.9
Housing 8.2 1.4
Household goods 2.8 0.5
Health -0.7 0.1
Transport 3.8 1.9
Communications -5.7 -0.1
Recreation and culture 0.3 -0.1
Education 5.8 0.2
Hotels, cafés and restaurants 6.3 -1.0
Miscellaneous goods and services 2.5 0.3