In April the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 11 June 2012, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in April 2012, 205,000 tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Estonia, which was 5% more than in April last year.

143,600 foreign tourists and 61,500 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments, whose number increased 7% and 2%, respectively, compared to April of the previous year. Two thirds of foreign tourists using the services of accommodation establishments came from neighbouring countries Finland, Latvia and Russia. Compared to April of the previous year, 6% more tourists from these countries stayed in accommodation establishments. A quarter of the foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments located outside of Tallinn, of which 7% stayed in accommodation establishments of Pärnu and 5% of Tartu.

21% of accommodated domestic tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Tallinn and their number decreased by 2% compared to April of the previous year. 15%, 12% and 11% of domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments of Tartu, Pärnu and Ida-Viru counties, respectively. 49% of the domestic tourists were on holiday and 36% on business trips. Compared to April of the previous year, the share of business trips increased and the share of holiday trips decreased.

794 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 17,300 rooms and 38,100 bed-places were available for tourists, which was over 100 rooms and 300 beds more than in April last year. 68% of the rooms were available for tourists in hotels, 10% in guest houses and 22% in other types of accommodation establishments. The room occupancy rate was 43% and the bed occupancy rate 35%. The room and bed occupancy rate was higher in hotels, 55% and 49%, respectively.

The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 31 euros and was 3 euros more expensive than in the same period of the previous year.

Accommodation by regions, April 2012
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 794 164 51 78 226 275
Rooms 17 275 7 904 1 037 1 043 3 899 3 392
Beds 38 067 16 591 2 208 2 588 8 610 8 070
Room occupancy rate, % 43 56 40 21 36 30
Bed occupancy rate, % 35 48 34 16 31 21
Tourists accommodated 205 124 129 272 10 614 6 433 29 638 29 167
Nights spent 404 119 238 196 22 586 12 157 79 518 51 662
residents of Estonia 107 440 30 309 11 879 8 243 26 518 30 491
foreign visitors 296 679 207 887 10 707 3 914 53 000 21 171
Average cost of a guest night, euros 31 35 25 32 24 25