Statistics Estonia: Let us know if you have not been enumerated yet!

Posted on 20 March 2012, 10:00
Until Sunday, 25 March, all those people who have not participated in the census and have not been contacted by an enumerator yet can notify Statistics Estonia and have an enumerator sent to their place of residence.

“We ask everyone who has not been enumerated yet to inform us, so that no one is left out of the picture,” said Mr Priit Potisepp, Director General of Statistics Estonia. “We are making this announcement to minimize the possibility that we miss someone.”

There are two ways for non-enumerated persons to notify Statistics Estonia:

  • By entering their contact details on the census website at
  • By calling customer support at +372 625 9100 (working hours 08:00 to 18:00).

People have until Sunday, 25 March, to contact Statistics Estonia.

People do not have to contact Statistics Estonia if they have completed the census online, they have already been visited by an enumerator or the enumerator has already scheduled an interview.

In this census, the permanent residents of Estonia as at 31 December 2011 are enumerated. “This means that we will only count those people that were permanent residents of Estonia at that moment,” explained Potisepp. Read more at /uudised/56921.

Together with the e-census, the number of completed Personal Questionnaires on permanent residents of Estonia is 1,271,003 as at 23:00 on 19 March. N.B. This number includes people who have been enumerated twice. The data will be revised during the data processing after the census and each person will only be counted once, based on the place of usual residence specified in the census. The statistics by county can be viewed at /uudised/58672.

The 2011 Population and Housing Census is conducted from 31 December 2011 until 31 March 2012. Those who did not participate in the e-census will be visited by an enumerator in the period until 31 March 2012.