Statistics Estonia searches for the recruiter of the Population Census employees

Posted on 21 March 2011, 10:00

Statistics Estonia has organised public procurement under the simplified procedure for engaging the recruiter of the employees related to the Population and Housing Census. The provider of recruitment service has to find 2,422 persons as total to conduct the Census.

“Although compared to the 2000 Population Census we need almost half less employees this time, it will be a work consuming job competition and a real challenge for recruitment institutions in the Estonian context,” said Ms Palmi Lindjärv, the HR Manager of the 2011 Population and Housing Census (PHC 2011).

For conducting PHC 2011, the provider of recruitment service has to choose 2,200 enumerators (incl. 200 enumerators on-call time), 132 supervisors of enumerators and 90 operators for processing the collected data.

2,000 enumerators and 200 enumerators on-call time are recruited for the period of 06.02–02.04.2012 and their task is to collect data by interviews on the private persons and dwellings of the supervision area according to the prescribed rules.

132 supervisors of enumerators administer the work of enumerators who will be recruited for the period of 05.12.2011–23.04.2012 and their main task is to supervise the enumerators of their supervision area and ensure the fulfilment of the Census work schedule.

90 operators will be recruited for the period of 15.12.2011–30.04.2012 and their main task is processing of the collected data. 30 operators of them will continue working after the end of the Census until 30.10.2012. Profound training will be organised to enumerators, supervisors of enumerators and operators before the Census.

Tenders for recruitment service must be submitted on paper at the address: Statistics Estonia, 15 Endla Str, 15174 Tallinn, Estonia by 10 a.m. on 11 April 2011 at the latest. To receive the procurement documents, please turn to the address riigihange [at] (riigihange[at]stat[dot]ee).

In Estonia, the Population and Housing Census will be carried out from 31 December this year until 31 March next year. The electronic Population and Housing Census or e-census, where the permanent residents of Estonia can fill out questionnaires on the Internet, will take place during the first month (31.12.2011–31.01.2012). Those who do not participate in the e-census will be visited by interviewers in the period 16.02–31.03.2012.

In 2011 the Population Census will be conducted for the eleventh time in the territory of Estonia. Previous censuses were carried out in 1881, 1897, 1922, 1934, 1941, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989 and 2000. In 2010 and 2011 Population and Housing Censuses will be held in the majority of countries all over the world.