More foreign and domestic tourists in accommodation establishments

Posted on 10 August 2010, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, about 16,000 more domestic tourists and 77,000 more foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments in the first half of the year compared to the same period a year ago.

In the 1st half of the year, the services of accommodation establishments were used by 365,000 domestic and 656,000 foreign tourists. Their numbers increased 5% and 13%, respectively, compared to the same period of the previous year. Domestic tourists preferred the accommodation establishments of Southern and Western Estonia, where more than a half of accommodated domestic tourists stayed. 18% of accommodated domestic tourists used services of the accommodation establishments of Tallinn, which was 7% more than in the 1st half of the previous year.

In the first half-year, the number of foreign tourists increased in all major tourist regions in Northern, Western and Southern Estonia. The most popular destination was continually Tallinn, where 74% of foreign tourists, who used the services of accommodation establishments, stayed. Compared to the 1st half of the previous year, more tourists arrived from Finland, Russia, Germany, the United Kingdom and Latvia. Fewer tourists than in the same period of the previous year arrived from Sweden and Norway.

In June 247,000 foreign and domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments. The number of accommodated foreign tourists increased by 11% and the number of accommodated domestic tourists by 9% compared to June of the previous year. 1,023 accommodation establishments with 19,600 rooms and 44,900 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 45% being by five percentage points higher than in June 2009. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 421 kroons (27 euros), which was 5% cheaper compared to June of the previous year. The average cost of a guest night was the highest in Tallinn — 505 kroons (32 euros), but here, too, the average cost of a guest night was by 37 kroons cheaper compared to June of the previous year.

Accommodation by regions, June 2010
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 1 023 182 60 96 372 313
Rooms 19 591 8 005 1 263 1 202 5 473 3 648
Beds 44 925 16 717 2 715 3 012 13 171 9 310
Room occupancy rate, % 45 57 33 27 41 34
Bed occupancy rate, % 35 47 31 23 32 26
Tourists accommodated 247 465 131 538 12 387 11 507 55 299 36 734
Nights spent 477 916 233 700 25 529 21 143 126 290 71 254
residents of Estonia 153 904 29 309 16 744 14 998 45 417 47 436
foreign visitors 324 012 204 391 8 785 6 145 80 873 23 818
Average cost of a guest night, kroons (euros) 421(27) 488(31) 368(24) 323(21) 386(25) 309(20)