In June petroleum products contributed to foreign trade

Posted on 24 August 2009, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in June 2009 exports of goods at current prices totalled 9.4 billion kroons and imports 9.8 billion kroons. Petroleum products accounted for a quarter of the trade.

In June 2009, exports of goods from Estonia decreased 13% and imports 30% compared to the same period of the previous year. The trade deficit amounted to 0.4 billion kroons, which was nearly eight times less than in June of the previous year. Mineral products, of which the majority were petroleum products, accounted for 27% of the total exports. In June exports of petroleum products was more than twice bigger than in the same period of the previous year. Trade surplus of 0.2 billion kroons (exports exceeded imports) was announced in the trade in petroleum products as petroleum products exported in June were imported to Estonia in previous months. The decline was announced in exports among all other commodity sections.

In June, petroleum products accounted for about a quarter (24%) of imports. Compared to June of the previous year, imports of petroleum products remained at the same level. The turnover of imports among other commodity sections declined considerably.

In June, the main countries of destination of exports from Estonia were Finland (15% of the total exports), US (12%) and Sweden (10%). Compared to June of the previous year, an increase was announced in exports of goods from Estonia to US, Nigeria and France due to the growth in exports of petroleum products. At the same time exports to nearby partner countries decreased.

The main countries from where goods were imported to Estonia in June were Finland (14% of the total imports), Lithuania (12%) and Russia (10%). Compared to June of the previous year, imports of goods declined from nearly most main partner countries, the most from Germany and Sweden. Imports of goods from Russia and US increased. Petroleum products were imported mainly from Lithuania and Russia.

As in 2008 the indicators of Estonia’s foreign trade were on top level in the first half-year, then in the 1st half-year of 2009 exports decreased 27% and imports 36%. At the same time the trade deficit was about three times smaller than in the first half-year of the previous year.

Compared to May 2009, exports of goods from Estonia increased 17% and imports to Estonia 15%. As the increase in exports and imports was mainly caused by the growth of trade in petroleum products, it cannot to be taken as a sign of all-round recovery in foreign trade.

Estonia’s foreign trade, January–June, 2008–2009

Month Exports,
million kroons
million kroons
million kroons
2008 2009 change, % 2008 2009 change, % 2008 2009
January 10 155 7 246 -29 13 745 8 814 -36 -3 590 -1 568
February 10 679 7 790 -27 13 632 8 840 -35 -2 953 -1 050
March 10 652 8 268 -22 14 145 9 806 -31 -3 493 -1 538
April 12 338 7 677 -38 15 914 9 379 -41 -3 576 -1 702
May 11 555 8 068 -30 14 492 8 544 -41 -2 937 -476
June 10 863 9 422 -13 14 117 9 843 -30 -3 254 -421
1st half-year 66 242 48 471 -27 86 045 55 226 -36 -19 803 -6 755

Main foreign trade partners of Estonia, June 2009

Country of destination,
group of
million kroons
Change compared to
same month of
previous year,
Country of consignment,
group of
million kroons
Change compared to
same month of
previous year,
Total 9 422 100 -13 Total 9 843 100 -30
EU 27 6 073 64 -24 EU 27 7 638 78 -34
CIS 913 10 -33 CIS 1 137 12 -19
1. Finland 1 457 15 -31 1. Finland 1 394 14 -30
2. USA 1 154 12 157 2. Lithuania 1 182 12 -33
3. Sweden 985 10 -38 3. Russia 964 10 30
4. Latvia 868 9 -16 4. Germany 899 9 -55
5. Russia 718 8 -32 5. Latvia 809 8 -19
6. Nigeria 587 6 - 6. Sweden 755 8 -45
7. Germany 532 6 -5 7. Poland 552 6 -6
8. Lithuania 416 4 -33 8. Netherlands 393 4 -42
9. France 414 4 198 9. USA 317 3 162
10. Netherlands 271 3 14 10. France 313 3 24

Exports and imports by commodity sections, June 2009

Commodity section by
Combined Nomenclature (CN)
Exports Imports Balance,
change compared to
same month of
previous year,
change compared to
same month of
previous year,
TOTAL 9 422 100 -13 9 843 100 -30 -421
Agricultural products and food preparations (I–IV) 766 8 -12 1 267 13 -19 -501
Mineral products (V) 2 567 27 136 2 356 24 1 211
Raw materials and products of chemical industry (VI) 423 5 -30 892 9 -22 -469
Articles of plastics and rubber (VII) 258 3 -30 528 5 -27 -270
Wood and products thereof (IX) 687 7 -26 238 3 -33 449
Paper and articles thereof (X) 281 3 -6 237 2 -20 44
Textiles and products thereof (XI) 297 3 -33 392 4 -35 -95
Metals and products thereof (XV) 746 8 -52 716 7 -54 30
Machinery and equipment (XVI) 1 632 17 -33 1 728 18 -43 -96
Transport equipment (XVII) 658 7 -22 776 8 -50 -118
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (XX) 674 7 -12 200 2 -34 474
Other 433 5 -35 513 5 -23 -80