The first half year was modest for accommodation establishments

Posted on 11 August 2009, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in the first half year of 2009, 922,000 tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Estonia, which was 13% less than in the same period of previous year.

The number of tourists decreased from Estonia’s all main tourism partner countries. The number of tourists from Finland decreased less than the average (by 4%). The economic downturn has also affected travelling of the tourists arriving from more distant countries. Compared to the first half of the previous year, the number of tourists from Australia, China, Japan and the United States of America staying in accommodation establishments decreased. Only the number of tourists from Russia increased 13%. In the first half of 2009, the total number of foreign tourists staying in accommodation establishments was more than half a million. 348,000 Estonian residents or one fifth less than at the same time of the previous year stayed in accommodation establishments. Thus, the number of domestic tourists in accommodation establishments was a a bit smaller than in the first half year of 2006.

The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 449 kroons, which was 47 kroons (9%) cheaper compared to the first half of the previous year and seven kroons cheaper than in the first half of 2005.

In June 221,000 tourists used the services of accommodation establishments. The number of foreign tourists decreased 12% and the number of domestic tourists decreased 21% compared to June 2008. 959 accommodation establishments with 19,100 rooms and 43,300 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 40% being by seven percentage points lower than in June 2008. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 444 kroons, which was 12% cheaper compared to June of the previous year. The average cost of a guest night was the highest in Tallinn (542 kroons), but here too the average cost of a guest night was by 112 kroons cheaper compared to June of the previous year.

Accommodation by regions, June 2009

Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 959 180 62 84 341 292
Rooms 19 115 7 960 1 226 1 100 5 200 3 629
Beds 43 336 16 613 2 548 2 691 12 434 9 050
Room occupancy rate, % 40 46 33 26 42 32
Bed occupancy rate, % 33 39 33 22 32 26
Tourists accommodated 221 160 112 524 12 394 9 805 51 632 34 805
Nights spent 427 788 194 153 25 249 17 564 120 754 70 068
residents of Estonia 144 009 27 431 17 786 12 404 39 382 47 006
foreign visitors 283 779 166 722 7 463 5 160 81 372 23 062
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 444 527 335 331 424 318