In April the foreign trade deficit decreased

Posted on 26 June 2009, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in April both exports and imports of goods at current prices declined by 40% compared to April of the previous year. The foreign trade deficit decreased twice.

In April 2009 exports of goods totalled 7.7 billion kroons and imports 9.4 billion kroons, which is significantly less than in April last year. The steep decline was caused also by the high comparison data of April 2008. The trade deficit amounted to 1.7 billion kroons, which decreased by 52% compared to April of the previous year.

Steep decline in Estonia’s foreign trade in value terms has been caused by the decrease in demand in both internal as well as external markets. According to Eurostat, in the 1st quarter this year a decline of more than a quarter was announced in the trade of main partner countries (Finland, Lithuania, Sweden). Significant decline was announced in both exports and imports in all Member States. In comparison of the Member States, the decline of exports was the biggest in Finland, Malta and Sweden and the largest decrease in imports was in Lithuania, Latvia, Romania and Estonia.

The main countries of exports from Estonia were Finland (18% of Estonia’s total exports), Sweden, and Russia. By value, in April the main commodities exported to Finland and Sweden were electrical machinery and to Russia — railway rolling stock. The decrease in exports of goods from Estonia was announced to all main countries of destination. Compared to April of the previous year exports declined the most to Finland and Sweden (both by about 40%).

The main countries from where goods were imported to Estonia were Finland (14% of Estonia’s total imports), Lithuania and Germany. Commodities of electrical machinery and equipment were mostly imported from Finland and Sweden and commodities of mineral products (incl. fuels) — from Lithuania. Compared to April of the previous year, the imports of goods from Germany, Finland and Sweden decreased by nearly a half.

In comparison of trade with main partner countries, the largest surplus (exports exceeded imports) was registered in the trade with Finland and Sweden and the largest deficit — with Lithuania and Germany.

In April, the biggest share in Estonia’s total exports was held by the commodities of machinery and equipment, accounting for over a fifth. Compared to April of the previous year, the exports of the commodities of all sections decreased significantly. A significant decline was in commodity sections where goods are exported from Estonia after processing (machinery and equipment; metals and products thereof and mineral products incl. fuels).

In April the biggest share of imports was held by machinery and equipment and by mineral products (incl. fuels). The share of both commodity sections accounted for about a fifth of the total Estonia’s imports. The turnover of imports of all the commodity sections declined steeply. The decrease in arrivals of machinery and equipment and also transport equipment influenced the decline of total imports the most.

Exports of goods from Estonia declined by 7% and imports to Estonia by 4% in value terms compared to March this year.

Estonia’s foreign trade, January–April, 2008–2009


million kroons

million kroons

million kroons

2008 2009 Change, %   2008 2009 Change, % 2008 2009
January 10 155 7 269 -28 13 745 8 829 -36 -3 590 -1 560
February 10 679 7 794 -27 13 632 8 881 -35 -2 953 -1 087
March 10 652 8 288 -22 14 145 9 803 -31 -3 493 -1 515
April 12 338 7 678 -38 15 914 9 399 -41 -3 576 -1 721

Main foreign trade partners of Estonia, April 2009

Country of
group of

Exports, million kroons


Change compared
to same month of
previous year, %

Country of
group of




Change compared
to same month of
previous year, %
Total 7 678 100 -38 Total 9 399 100 -41
EU 27 5 539 72 -35 EU 27 7 291 78 -44
CIS 1 027 13 -31 CIS 1 081 12 -36
1. Finland 1 405 18 -37 1. Finland 1 324 14 -46
2. Sweden 1 021 13 -39 2. Lithuania 1 111 12 -18
3. Russia 828 11 -26 3. Germany 953 10 -60
4. Latvia 732 10 -34 4. Russia 933 10 -16
5. Germany 590 8 -15 5. Latvia 902 10 -27
6. Lithuania 410 5 -41 6. Sweden 782 8 -56
7. Denmark 317 4 -22 7. Poland 447 5 -41
8. USA 254 3 -52 8. Netherlands 353 4 -31
9. Norway 228 3 -57 9. USA 280 3 55
10. United Kingdom 160 2 -47 10. Denmark 250 3 -29

Exports and imports by commodity sections, April 2009

Commodity section
by Combined Nomenclature (CN)
Exports Imports


million kroons share,
change compared
to same month
of previous year, %
million kroons share,
change compared
to same month
of previous year, %
TOTAL 7 678 100 -38 9 399 100 -41 -1 721
Agricultural products and food preparations (I–IV) 761 10 -33 1 218 13 -20 -457
Mineral products (V) 720 9 -53 1 793 19 -15 -1 073
Raw materials and products of chemical industry (VI) 418 5 -26 920 10 -30 -502
Articles of plastics and rubber (VII) 248 3 -35 498 5 -38 -250
Wood and products thereof (IX) 750 10 -34 219 2 -51 531
Paper and articles thereof (X) 227 3 -39 249 3 -29 -22
Textiles and products thereof (XI) 355 5 -33 511 6 -37 -156
Metals and products thereof (XV) 733 10 -54 697 7 -61 36
Machinery and equipment (XVI) 1 651 22 -36 1 795 19 -49 -144
Transport equipment (XVII) 692 9 -25 739 8 -63 -47
Miscellaneous manufactured articles (XX) 696 9 -24 234 2 -37 462
Other 427 5 -38 526 6 -40 -99

The preliminary foreign trade data about April were released by Statistics Estonia on the 9th of June (on the 40th day after the end of the reference period). This news release provides the revised data and offers a more detailed overview of trade about the month under observation.