In April the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 10 June 2009, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in April 152,000 tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Estonia, which was 22% more than in March.

In April 102,000 foreign tourists and 50,000 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments. As usual, the coming spring season is bringing into Estonia more foreign tourists who use accommodation services. In April about a half more foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments than in March. About three quarters of foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments of Tallinn, 9% of Pärnu and 5% of Tartu.

Compared to the April of the previous year, the number of foreign tourists in accommodation establishments did not change significantly. Compared to April 2008, more tourists came from Finland, Latvia, Russia, Norway and Lithuania. The British tourists have lost their interest in Estonia — more than a third less tourists came from the United Kingdom than in April of the previous year. Significantly fewer tourists came from Germany and Sweden than in April a year ago.

In April, compared to the same period of the previous year, the number of domestic tourists decreased about a fifth and the number of domestic tourists did not exceed the level of March.

In April 736 accommodation establishments offered accommodation services to tourists. 17,000 rooms and 36,600 beds were available for tourists. The room occupancy rate was 35%. In previous years, the room occupancy rate in April remained at the level of around 45%. The average cost of a guest night in an accommodation establishment was 456 kroons, which was 11% cheaper compared to April 2008.

Accommodation by regions, April 2009

Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 736 162 54 65 209 246
Rooms 16 981 7 786 1 140 868 3 845 3 342
Beds 36 580 16 024 2 407 2 024 8 378 7 747
Room occupancy rate, % 35 41 27 17 39 23
Bed occupancy rate, % 27 32 24 13 30 17
Tourists accommodated 151 995 90 195 8 062 5 332 26 086 22 320
Nights spent 295 538 155 722 17 046 8 066 74 796 39 908
residents of Estonia 88 474 20 573 11 461 6 127 25 314 24 999
foreign visitors 207 064 135 149 5 585 1 939 49 482 14 909
Average cost of a guest night, kroons 456 515 362 417 396 386