What influences youth towards entrepreneurship?
Today's young entrepreneurs may well shape our future economic prosperity. But who are Estonia's young entrepreneurs and what are the factors influencing youth towards entrepreneurship?
What influences youth towards entrepreneurship?
Statistikaamet analüüsis haridus- ja noorteameti (HARNO) tellimusel noorte ettevõtlust mõjutavaid tegureid. Otsisime vastust küsimustele, kes on Eesti noored ettevõtjad ja millised tegurid mõjutavad noorte ettevõtjaks saamist.
Statistics Estonia was commissioned by the Education and Youth Board (Harno) to analyse the factors affecting youth entrepreneurship. We explored who Estonia's young entrepreneurs are and which factors influence youth to become entrepreneurs.
A youth entrepreneur was defined in the analysis as a self-employed person aged between 18 and 26 or the owner of a company with at least a 10% share. At the end of 2021, there were 4,411 youth entrepreneurs in Estonia, accounting for 3.9% of the Estonian population aged between 18 and 26 years.
Analysis (in Estonian)
Interesting facts
- Youth entrepreneurs are more likely to be men than women.
- The likelihood of becoming an entrepreneur increases with age.
- Young people's likelihood of being involved in entrepreneurship is higher if their parents are entrepreneurs.
- Youth entrepreneurs tend to be better educated; higher educational attainment of parents also has a positive effect on the likelihood of a young person becoming an entrepreneur.
- The highest rate of youth entrepreneurial activity is seen among graduates in the field of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary medicine.
- Young fathers are more likely to be entrepreneurs than young people without children.
Read more in the news release (in Estonian).
Commissioned by:
Education and Youth Board
Data sources:
Various registers
Märt Leesment