E-census is open from the end of December

Posted on 15 December 2021, 9:53

At the end of the year, on 28 December, the Population and Housing Census, conducted every ten years, starts in Estonia. Everyone living in Estonia is invited to complete an online questionnaire for the census by 22 January 2022. In February, census takers will call or visit the people for whom filling in the questionnaire is mandatory.

Liina Osila, the Population and Housing Census project manager at Statistics Estonia, said that the first stage of the census, or updating one’s data in the population register, has ended, and at the end of December it is possible to complete the online census questionnaire.

“We would like to thank everyone who found the time to check and correct their data in the population register. The next step is to fill in the e-census, which can be done from 28 December to 22 January,” said Osila. “All permanent residents of Estonia who get the relevant notification e-mail can answer to the questionnaire. These people for whom completing the e-census is mandatory will also receive a paper invitation by regular mail.”

According to the updated census timetable, the online questionnaire can be completed from 28 December 2021 to 22 January 2022. After that, during the period 128 February 2022, census takers will collect data from the people who failed to fill in the questionnaire but who live at randomly selected addresses from which it is mandatory to respond to the census questionnaire. Collected and analysed data will be published gradually starting from June.

The online questionnaire can be filled in at census.ee after authenticating oneself with an ID-card, Mobile-ID or Smart-ID. It takes around five minutes per person to complete the questionnaire.

The questionnaire only includes questions for which there are no answers in national registers. These concern, for example, the knowledge of languages and dialects, religious affiliation and limitations on daily activities due to health problems.

For further information, see census.ee.


For further information:

Kadri Kütt
Media Relations Manager
Marketing and Dissemination Department
Statistics Estonia
Tel +372 625 9181

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