Harvesting is halfway to completion

Posted on 27 September 2017, 11:00
According to Statistics Estonia, by 15 September, 57% of the sown area of cereals, 47% of the sown area of rape and turnip rape, and 49% of the area under potatoes had been harvested in Estonia.

By the same time last year, 91% of the sown area of cereals, 49% of the sown area of rape and turnip rape and 50% of the area under potatoes had been harvested.

Due to unfavourable weather conditions, ripening and harvesting of crops were delayed by many weeks. As a consequence, 77% of winter crops and only 45% of summer crops have been harvested. Among winter crops, 78% of winter wheat and 76% of rye, and from spring crops, 63% of barley, 51% of oats and 19% of spring wheat have been harvested. 92% of winter rape and winter turnip rape and only 8% of spring rape and spring turnip rape have been harvested. Of legumes, only 24% has been harvested. 

According to preliminary data, in 2017, cereals were grown on 330,700 hectares in Estonia, of which 57% has been harvested for grain. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 4,537 kilograms of cereals, with the average yield per hectare being 4,389 kilograms for rye, 4,777 kilograms for wheat, 4,584 kilograms for barley and 3,196 kilograms for oats. A part of cereals sown for grain will be harvested for green fodder. Legumes were grown on 65,800 hectares and yield per harvested hectare was 2,670 kilograms.

Rape and turnip rape were grown on 73,700 hectares. Most of winter rape and winter turnip rape has been harvested, while most of spring rape and spring turnip rape has not been harvested yet. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 2,953 kilograms of rape seeds and turnip rape seeds.

Potatoes were grown on 5,400 hectares, of which 49% has been harvested. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 19,025 kilograms of potatoes.

The statistics are based on the Estonian Agricultural Registers and Information Board (ARIB) land use data and statistical questionnaire “Yields (as of 15 September)”, the deadline of which was 15 September 2017. Statistics Estonia published the summary of the preliminary data in seven working days. For the statistical activity “Crop production”, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Rural Affairs, commissioned by whom Statistics Estonia collects and analyses the data necessary for conducting this statistical activity.

On 23 December, the phone line of Statistics Estonia’s customer support is open until 13:00. The phone line is closed on 24, 25 and 26 December. Happy holidays!