In June, more tourists stayed in accommodation establishments than a year ago

Posted on 4 August 2017, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, 372,000 domestic and foreign tourists stayed in Estonian accommodation establishments in June 2017, which is 8% more than in June 2016.

238,000 foreign tourists and 135,000 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments; their numbers increased 6% and 10%, respectively, compared to June of the previous year. 52% of the foreign tourists who used accommodation services came from the neighbouring countries – 92,000 tourists came from Finland, 16,000 from Russia and 14,000 from Latvia. Compared to June 2016, the number of tourists from neighbouring countries decreased 2%. The number of Finnish tourists in accommodation establishments fell 5%, but the number of Russian and Latvian tourists increased 9% and 6%, respectively, compared to the same month of the previous year. Compared to June 2016, there was an increase in the number of tourists arriving from Sweden, the United Kingdom and France, while fewer tourists arrived from Lithuania, the United States and Italy. 155,000 foreign tourists, i.e 65% of the foreign tourists who used accommodation services, stayed in the accommodation establishments of Tallinn. The second most popular destination was Pärnu city, accounting for 11% of all accommodated foreign tourists, followed by Tartu city, which accounted for 7% of the accommodated foreign tourists. Saare county accounted for 4% and Ida-Viru county for 3% of the foreign tourists who used accommodation services. 76% of the foreign tourists were on a holiday and 18% on a business trip.

36% of the customers of accommodation establishments were domestic tourists. Two- thirds of them were on a holiday and a fifth on a business trip. 24% of the accommodated domestic tourists stayed in Harju county, 14% in Pärnu county, 11% in Tartu county, 9% in Ida-Viru county and 8% in Saare county.

In June, 1,340 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 23,000 rooms and 56,000 beds were available for tourists. Compared to June of the previous year, there were 49 additional accommodation establishments with 1,000 rooms and 2,500 beds. 51% of the rooms and 41% of the beds were occupied. The average cost of a guest night was 39 euros, i.e. four euros more than in the same month of the previous year. The average cost of a guest night was 48 euros in Harju county, 36 euros in Pärnu county, 33 euros in Tartu county, 28 euros in Saare county and 27 euros in Ida-Viru county.

Accommodation by region, June 2017
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 1,340 239 69 137 501 394
Rooms 23,244 8,744 1,471 1,826 6,245 4,958
Beds 55,567 19,247 3,464 4,642 15,691 12,523
Room occupancy rate, % 51 72 42 28 42 37
Bed occupancy rate, % 41 60 36 23 34 29
Tourists accommodated 372,448 193,936 20,519 18,841 80,057 59,095
Nights spent 680,570 344,894 37,575 31,795 158,640 107,666
residents of Estonia 234,168 56,385 21 984 23,643 65,441 66,715
foreign visitors 446,402 288,509 15,591 8 152 93,199 40,951
Average cost of a guest night, euros 39 48 27 26 32 27

The statistics are based on the questionnaire “Accommodation”, the submission deadline of which was 10 July 2017. Statistics Estonia published the monthly summary in 19 working days. For the statistical activity “Accommodation”, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, commissioned by whom Statistics Estonia collects and analyses the data necessary for conducting the statistical activity.