In April, the number of tourists in accommodation establishments increased

Posted on 6 June 2017, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, 257,000 domestic and foreign tourists stayed in Estonian accommodation establishments in April 2017, which was 14% more than in April 2016.

157,000 foreign tourists and 100,000 domestic tourists used the services of accommodation establishments; their numbers increased 12% and 16%, respectively, compared to April of the previous year. 67% of the foreign tourists who used accommodation services came from the neighbouring countries – 77,000 tourists came from Finland, 16,000 from Russia and 13,000 from Latvia. Compared to April 2016, the number of tourists from neighbouring countries increased 12%. There was also an increase in the number of tourists arriving from several European countries – from Sweden, Germany and Lithuania. 15% more tourists arrived from Asian countries. 44,000 foreign tourists stayed in accommodation establishments located outside of Tallinn, including nearly a third of them in Pärnu and a quarter in Tartu. 4% of the foreign tourists who used accommodation services stayed in the accommodation establishments of Ida-Viru county and 2% in those of Saare county.

39% of the customers of accommodation establishments were domestic tourists. 62% of them were on a holiday and 26% on a business trip. 30% of the domestic tourists stayed in the accommodation establishments of Harju county, 15% in Pärnu county and 16% in Tartu county. In most counties, the number of domestic tourists staying in accommodation establishments increased compared to April 2016.

In April, 972 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 20,000 rooms and 45,000 beds were available for tourists. 45% of the rooms and 35% of the beds were occupied. The average cost of a guest night was 37 euros, i.e. three euros more than in the same month of the previous year. The average cost of a guest night was 43 euros in Harju county, 35 euros in Tartu county and 30 euros in Pärnu county.

Accommodation by region, April 2017
Accommodation Total Northern Estonia North-Eastern Estonia Central Estonia Western Estonia Southern Estonia
Accommodation establishments 972 204 56 107 280 325
Rooms 19,679 8,421 1,157 1,520 4,456 4,125
Beds 44,550 17,913 2,712 3,726 9,895 10,304
Room occupancy rate, % 45 59 44 21 37 34
Bed occupancy rate, % 35 49 32 16 30 24
Tourists accommodated 257,403 147,237 14,748 10,320 43,433 41,665
Nights spent 471,383 262,922 26,138 18,113 90,372 73,838
residents of Estonia 165,634 49,402 14,760 13,362 41,176 46,934
foreign visitors 305,749 213,520 11,378 4,751 49,196 26,904
Average cost of a guest night, euros 37 43 29 30 28 31

The statistics are based on the questionnaire “Accommodation”, the submission deadline of which was 10 May 2017. Statistics Estonia published the monthly summary in 18 working days. For the statistical activity “Accommodation”, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, commissioned by whom Statistics Estonia collects and analyses the data necessary for conducting the statistical activity.