In October, more tourists stayed in accommodation establishments compared to a year ago

Posted on 12 December 2016, 10:00

According to Statistics Estonia, in October 2016, domestic and foreign tourists who stayed in Estonian accommodation establishments numbered 267,000, which was 7% more than in October 2015.

Compared to October 2015, the number of tourists who used the services of accommodation establishments increased by 16,000. The number of foreign and domestic tourists increased by 6% and 8%, respectively. Foreign tourists accounted for nearly two-thirds of the total number of tourists. In October 2016, a total of 167,000 foreign tourists used the services of accommodation establishments – this was 9,000 foreign tourists more than in October 2015. 78% of the foreign tourists came from European Union countries. 50% of the foreign tourists came from Finland, 8% from Latvia and 4% from Germany. Russian tourists accounted for 9% of the foreign tourists. 70% of the accommodated foreign tourists came to Estonia for holidays, 24% were on a business trip and the rest had some other reason for visiting Estonia. Foreign tourists mainly preferred the accommodation establishments of Tallinn (74% of accommodated foreign tourists), Pärnu city (8%), Tartu city (5%) and Ida-Viru county (3%).

In October, domestic tourists who used the services of accommodation establishments numbered 100,000, i.e. 7,500 domestic tourists more than in October of the previous year. 62% of the domestic tourists were on a holiday trip and 27% on a business trip. 30% of the domestic tourists who used accommodation services stayed in the accommodation establishments of Harju county, 16% in Pärnu county, 12% in Tartu county and 9% in Ida-Viru county.

In October, 983 accommodation establishments offered services for tourists. 20,000 rooms and 45,000 beds were available for tourists. 46% of the rooms and 36% of the beds were occupied. The average cost of a guest night was 35 euros or a euro less than a year earlier. The average cost of a guest night was 40 euros in Harju county, 31 euros in Tartu and Pärnu counties, 29 euros in Ida-Viru county.

Accommodation by region, October 2016
Accommodation Total Northern
Accommodation establishments 983 205 55 108 303 312
Rooms 19,846 8,437 1,204 1,620 4,616 3,969
Beds 45,234 17,939 2,800 4,016 10,845 9,634
Room occupancy rate, % 46 62 40 22 38 32
Bed occupancy rate, % 36 51 33 19 30 22
Tourists accommodated 267,297 159,056 14,933 12,138 45,522 35,648
Nights spent 503,603 283,894 28,431 23,043 101,241 66,994
residents of Estonia 170,878 49,312 16,180 17,310 45,464 42,612
foreign visitors 332,725 234,582 12,251 5,733 55,777 24,382
Average cost of a guest night, euros 35 40 29 29 31 28

The statistics are based on the questionnaire “Accommodation”, the deadline of which was 10 November 2016. Statistics Estonia published the monthly summary in 21 working days. For the statistical activity “Accommodation”, the main representative of public interest is the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, commissioned by whom Statistics Estonia collects and analyses the data necessary for conducting the statistical activity.