More than a half of the harvest has been gathered

Posted on 25 September 2015, 11:00

According to Statistics Estonia, by 15 September, 78% of the sown area of cereals, 57% of the sown area of rape and turnip rape, and 52% of the area under potatoes had been harvested in Estonia.

By the same time last year, 93% of the sown area of cereals, 82% of the sown area of rape and turnip rape, and 54% of the area under potatoes had been harvested.

Winter crops ripened and were harvested mostly in the dry period of August, while by the harvesting of spring crops weather conditions had already deteriorated. The share of winter crops that have been harvested totals 91%, while that of summer crops amounts to 72% of the sown area. Among spring crops, 85% of barley, 61% of oats, and 53% of spring wheat has been harvested. Also, 96% of winter rape and winter turnip rape, and 11% of spring rape and spring turnip rape have been harvested.

According to preliminary data, in Estonia, in 2015 cereals were grown on 352,800 hectares, of which 78% has been harvested for grain. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 4,593 kilograms of cereals, with the average yield per hectare being 4,094 kilograms for rye, 4,987 kilograms for wheat, 4,352 kilograms for barley and 3,173 kilograms for oats. A part of cereals sown for grain will be harvested for green fodder.

Rape and turnip rape were grown on 70,800 hectares. Most of winter rape and winter turnip rape has been harvested, while most of spring rape and spring turnip rape has not been harvested yet. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 3,156 kilograms of rape seeds and turnip rape seeds.

Potatoes were grown on 5,800 hectares, of which 52% has been harvested. One hectare of the harvested area gave on average 24,039 kilograms of potatoes.